update images discussion

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by thegirlgotsoul
Please stop taking what I say personally and trying to twist what I say. It's really not cool and until the last few accusatory and insulting posts, I thought you and I were having a clean, good discussion and debate. But now I feel like I'm being slandered and dragged through the dirt for having the obviously "unpopular" opinion.

Then I apologise. I admit I am beginning to get riled.

I've had a terrible day and right now it seems to me like nobody ever wants to take responsibility for anything and that everything is somebody else's fault. This all just touched a nerve.

I'm going to drop it now and go to bed. It's gone 1.40am here and I'm not at my best.

I apologise for any offence.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat

Ah yes, because you didn't know they were someone else's images you were posting when you posted them. Maybe you thought you accidentally took them yourself? Maybe while you slept?

What are you talking about?

I posted the photo with CLEAR CREDIT to SonRisa before I knew she didn't want it reposted.

I saw a broken link in the original thread and didn't know it was because she asked to have it taken down.

JESUS. STOP making accusations for crying out loud. There is no need to be rude and sling mud like that. I never ever claimed I took the photo, nor did I ever claim to not know who's it was. There was ALWAYS credit to SonRisa with the photo I posted.

For cripes sake. This is ridiculous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
Then I apologise. I admit I am beginning to get riled.

I've had a terrible day and right now it seems to me like nobody ever wants to take responsibility for anything and that everything is somebody else's fault. This all just touched a nerve.

I'm going to drop it now and go to bed. It's gone 1.40am here and I'm not at my best.

I apologise for any offence.

Fair enough, and please disregard my last post. I was typing it before I saw this one.

Have a good night. :p
I don't know Risa personally, but she is in my opinion the most informative and helpful person on the net when it comes to MAC. She probably increases their business a huge amount through her kindly giving info on upcoming collections alone.

I for one will be very sad if she feels she can't share that information anymore, just because some people have no respect or common decency.

I don't see why when questions are asked, people just don't provide a link to her posts on LJ. If people moan because she locks her posts,

a) it takes 2 seconds to create an LJ account, and
b) it takes 2 seconds to join the community in order to view her posts.

Pretty f'king simple if you ask me. If they're too lazy to do that, then they don't want the answer to their question badly enough.

I don't have issue with the original poster who added Risa's swatches to this thread because I don't know what happened, but I did read Risa saying ask permission first, and don't hotlink. Obviously somewhere along the line these requests were ignored.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Turbokittykat
Having trusted us once, I suspect Risa will not trust us again.

Are you speaking of Specktra as a whole or the person who took the image of her swatchbook and posted it on MUA? I'd like to clarify this because Specktra has a very clear policy of CREDITING information from the source, this was adhered to in the original post here of the images and the only image that was not credited to SonRisa was that of her swatchbook because at the time it was unknown to everyone that the image was hers. (she clarified that herself at the time she discovered it)

SonRisa did not contact either admin and let them know of any offense against her so if there was one we are still unaware, but would like to be notified ASAP if there is.

So if there is any issue directly with Specktra please let me know.


Well-known member
hey here is a novel idea. why dont you guys let risa speak for herself rather than discussing whether or not what she did was right or wrong. if she has a problem or not she can speak for herself and justify her actions herself


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lah_knee
hey here is a novel idea. why dont you guys let risa speak for herself rather than discussing whether or not what she did was right or wrong. if she has a problem or not she can speak for herself and justify her actions herself

Just to clarify, again, I was not speaking directly of Risa. I was speaking in generalities.

I very much enjoy a good, clean debate once and a while, and this had turned into one in the beginning. I was NOT specifically talking about SonRisa, but trying to be one half of the debate. All I was doing was showing one side of a discussion. IE: a person works for a company. Said person releases information that at a time is private and is possibly caught by employer. Is person responsible for what happens to them for their actions? Etc...Really, that's it. Just showing one side of the argument.

I looked at TurboKitty as the other side of the argument. Is it the person's fault that their stuff was posted in more places than they would have liked, which could have led them to getting caught in the first place...Or is it the fault of the people who reposted it?

I really was just enjoying a healthy discussion/debate and not trying to imply that I was talking about a specific person in particular, because honestly, I was not. I can understand how some people may have thought I was trying accuse a real person of something, but I wasn't. I tried to point that out as many times as I could, because I never meant anything negative about SonRisa at all. My comments were really NOT about her, and I hope if she reads this, she understands that.

Everything I said was nothing more than my OPINION, in a debate. That is all. No one has to listen to my opinion, no one has to like it, agree with it, or even respect it. And that is A-OK with me. I was just sharing my opinion, and meant no disrespect to anyone.
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