What if a MAC SA sold you the wrong shade foundation? =(


New member
last time i went to get foundation, the MA told me i was a NW40. i put it on at home and almost passed out...turns out I'm really a NW15. how could somebody be THAT wrong? I took it back and they were really nice and didn't give me any problems about exchanging it...but they pressed me really hard about who had sold it to me...I couldn't remember though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartjuppy
I wonder if NW20 is just the most common shade (or their most popular shade), because I've been told "Oh you're NW20" from across the room before. (Granted, they've been right, but still!)

Just out of curiosity I wonder if that's their best-seller so they just figure anyone even slightly pale-ish is just NW20 automatically.

I was matched as an NW20 the first time I bought Studio Fix. In Macy's light, it looked fine until I realized my face was orange while my neck was white. (Which is why you should always check the shade in natural light before buying.) I went back and asked for N3, the sales person said, "You know, I think that would be a good color for you." Neck and face match, and I've been N3 ever since.

I think NW20 is a pretty popular shade because it's a fairly neutral, if slightly pink light beige. It works on a lot of caucasian skin tones, and I think some MA's use it as a "starting point."