Working for Sephora


Well-known member
Re: Working for MAC/Sephora

yeah i knew it. a lot of the times when we go there or to MAC, my boyfriend asks one of the MA and i was shocked that she said this.

it was probably a year ago that this happened. I walked past Sephora last week and saw an employee with her hair in a sloppy ponytail and absolutely no makeup on standing at the door. i was shocked lol


Well-known member
Re: Working for MAC/Sephora

I agree, that Sephora SA was kind of jerky. I would have been tempted to smile really big and ask if she was an "actual artist... with like, a big background", then why is she working retail?
And I am a retail artist! What a nerd.


Well-known member
When does Sephora start hiring for holiday help?

I'm thinking late September, early October. Does anyone else have any idea?


Well-known member
Re: When does Sephora start hiring for holiday help?

Late September, Early October. But it's best to call and find out.


Well-known member
Re: When does Sephora start hiring for holiday help?

i applied over the summer and the store manager called me back because she said that my resume caught her eye. and she wanted to tell me that she got it, looked it over and that they do group interviews at the beginning of october and they start calling people about it in the middle of september.


Well-known member
Re: When does Sephora start hiring for holiday help?

It varies from store to store. I was hired as a holiday cast member, i applied at the end of july, had my one on one mid-august and I started working September 8 of last year.


Well-known member
Re: When does Sephora start hiring for holiday help?

Thanks girls...I'll go in tomorrow to apply and drop off a resume.
I hope I'm hired...Sephora is such an awesome company.


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

drink a lot of water I hear...and that gnc has some stuff you can take to clear out your system lol


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

if that was the first time you had smoked in a while, it will probably be out of your system. apparently, the only place it stays for a long time is the hair.

[my high school was insane with drug testing]


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

Should be out of your system by now. If in doubt water and exercise to speed up your metabolism and process that crap out faster.

And in future, if in doubt about a company policy dont smoke up
I dont any more because of work and I really dont miss it at all.


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

Marijuana stays in ur blood stream for about 3 months and in hair for upto 6 months and no there is nothing over the counter to "clean out your system". Probably if you've smoked recently, they will find out. Also I've heard sephora and some other cosmetic companies do random drug testing on current employees.


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

Marijuana takes a very minimum of 2 weeks and up to four for even a small amount to go undetected in a urine screen. It is stored in the fatty tissue in the body and it leaves the body rather slowly. I would not rely of urine masking agents,drinking baking soda etc. Chronic users have detectable THC in their systems,well,chronically.


Well-known member
Re: Does sephora drug test

Marijuana is a tricky little thing.....

Depending on many things...and every person is can stay up to ONE day...or Seventy DAYS....BUT...IF you really only did smoke once...No worries...IT IS GONE. It depends on the Nanograms labs use to test you, (some do stronger tests...a twelve panel test will likely test for a smaller number of nano's....and some tests will test you for only larger numbers...which will only affect heavier users).

You're NOT going to be getting a hair or a blood test...that I can damn well guarantee....They're WAY too invasive AND expensive for a company like Sephora. They will only do a urine screen.

I'm a nurse, and have a lot of contact w/ the labs....I've seen people smoke ONE time, and have it be out of their systems in one to two days TOPS....Even if you are a heavy smoker, you should be FINE in another week or two...IF you don't smoke anymore.

Water really does speed up the 'clearing out' process....But I wouldn't count on it to save you if you just smoked up an eight a week ago....but it does dilute urine (which, some labs look for as a smokescreen...diluted urine...but you'd have to drink a LOT of it like the night before to have it rings any alarm bells). Drink a lot of fluid, DO NOT smoke any more before you interview, and I'm sure you'll be fine for a urine screen....Good luck!


New member
Just turned in an application to Sephora

Okay so I turned in an application to work at the Sephora store in Manhattan Village and I have a couple questions for those of you who work at Sephora:
- I was thinking of doing a follow up call on Sunday (I turned in my application on Friday afternoon), do you think it's too early or should I wait??
- What is the average starting wage at Sephora (I'm in California)??
- What's the dress/makeup policy??

I appreciate any help/advice !!! :yes:


Well-known member
Re: Just turned in an application to Sephora

I don't work at Sephora, but I would wait until at least Monday to call. You are more likely to reach the manager you'd need to speak to during the week than on a Sunday.