Wow, is Jedism a real religion or a hoax?


Well-known member
This is a little tongue in cheek-maybe, I just don't know if this is a hoax or not. It looks like they're taking it seriously, what do ya'll think?

It's always been interesting to me the paths we take to find the same thing. It's truly about the journey and I respect the paths we all take toward our own personal spirituality and mythology as long as that respect is returned in kind.

It doesn't look like Jedism has yet obtained recognition as a valid church but not for lack of trying. Just heard about this today. What do ya'all think?

The Jediism Way:: Home



Well-known member
I heard about this years ago. I also heard that if enough people put Jedi as their religion on the next census, they'll make it an official one.

More power to them. Can't be any worse than any other religion out there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
...And I believe in the Lord of the Rings.

Well, if a movie is going to provide the inspiration for a new religion, I find the spirituality within LOTR to be extremely compelling on many many levels. Hmmm, think I'm gonna get a $10 license to preach and start my own religion inspired based on LOTR, are you in?
Now I just have to decide whether I want to be one of the high elves, or if I'm going to be Arwen so I can marry Aragorn....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
I heard about this years ago. I also heard that if enough people put Jedi as their religion on the next census, they'll make it an official one.

More power to them. Can't be any worse than any other religion out there.

It certainly seems innocuous enough as religions go. And if a mediocre science fiction writer can kick off the Church of Scientology, I guess anything is possible... :LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
Well, if a movie is going to provide the inspiration for a new religion, I find the spirituality within LOTR to be extremely compelling on many many levels. Hmmm, think I'm gonna get a $10 license to preach and start my own religion inspired based on LOTR, are you in?
Now I just have to decide whether I want to be one of the high elves, or if I'm going to be Arwen so I can marry Aragorn....

I'm so in! When do we begin our journey?
By the way, I just just noticed your avatar


Well-known member
^^^ Aragorn has long been one of my favorite warrior kings. After the trilogy came out, now I think he's so very, very hot.

It'll take me some time to develop the principals of my new religion, I'll get back to you on that. I CAN tell you that it won't involve dogma of any kind,


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Lol well exactly.

I'm planning on starting a Religion around Ceiling Cat.

You got me! Who or what is ceiling cat?


Well-known member
The LolBible is very cool and I'm going to base my religion about. I'm going to succeed where pastafarianism failed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
The LolBible is very cool and I'm going to base my religion about. I'm going to succeed where pastafarianism failed.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the WORD. There is much intelligent design in the truths to be found in pastafarianism.

I've been fascinated by the LOLcat phenom; just like text messaging, a whole new language is born. Language shapes our thoughts. My little 18 year old kitty is looking at me as I type and looks like she is contemplating the meaning of life. Or else she's wondering when I'm gonna feed her....


Well-known member
Pastafarianism is awesome.

I did a presentation about it almost two years ago in a Study of Religions class. My teammates and I were dressed all professionally and attempting to explain the benefits of pastafarianism to the class complete with displays, a Powerpoint, and a giant cardboard Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I almost made it through the entire 10 min presentation without laughing, but a classmate that dressed up as Cthulu burst into the doorway, made a beeline for our FSM and proceeded to beat him.

We ended up coming in second. Damn Cthulu.

I love these parody religions- they're so much more fun than the 'normal' ones.


Well-known member
OK Greekchick, a beginning sketch of my new spiritual organization to meet the needs of people in Middle Earth that can't and should not be met by the state.

I've decided that as founder of the Light of Evenstar, I'll be Arwen. I've talked to my husband Aragorn about this and he has given me a free hand to build this group from the ground up. Other than giving me the nod, he will not have any say over the purpose, organization or structure of The Light.

In keeping with the intentions of The Light of Evenstar, I can expect no funds from the state of Gondor. Nor will any head of state serve on the council of my organization. In so doing, we will maintain the complete separation of Church and State.

I'm leaning toward a grass roots, congregationalist organization rather than the top-down hierarchal structure. No built-in hierarchy, however good the intentions are, can be free from the temptations of power. Leaders and those who sit on the board of The Light are subject to recall, term limits and must live by the rules they create.

All free peoples of Middle Earth are welcome. This applies to dwarfs, elves [those few that remain], humans, hobbits and Ents.
We ask that those who choose to join must take an oath to adhere to our founding principles (TBA). Those who choose to serve the darkness are not welcome. Take that, you bloody orcs!

More later....