Wow, is Jedism a real religion or a hoax?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
OK Greekchick, a beginning sketch of my new spiritual organization to meet the needs of people in Middle Earth that can't and should not be met by the state.

I've decided that as founder of the Light of Evenstar, I'll be Arwen. I've talked to my husband Aragorn about this and he has given me a free hand to build this group from the ground up. Other than giving me the nod, he will not have any say over the purpose, organization or structure of The Light.

In keeping with the intentions of The Light of Evenstar, I can expect no funds from the state of Gondor. Nor will any head of state serve on the council of my organization. In so doing, we will maintain the complete separation of Church and State.

I'm leaning toward a grass roots, congregationalist organization rather than the top-down hierarchal structure. No built-in hierarchy, however good the intentions are, can be free from the temptations of power. Leaders and those who sit on the board of The Light are subject to recall, term limits and must live by the rules they create.

All free peoples of Middle Earth are welcome. This applies to dwarfs, elves [those few that remain], humans, hobbits and Ents.
We ask that those who choose to join must take an oath to adhere to our founding principles (TBA). Those who choose to serve the darkness are not welcome. Take that, you bloody orcs!

More later....

Damn, I wanted to be Arwen...

But, wow, you really thought this out... I say we create a website!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
... or a website on the MAC religion.

omigod I laughed so hard when I saw this post! Um, does a member of the MACchurch have to sign an oath that they'll use no makeup other than MAC or will it retain a tolerance of other brands?
I can't give up my Dr. Hauschka, Stila or anything else I just can't do it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
I will so worship the ceiling cat

Ya, I'm really looking forward to seeing Visual (spelling, sorry) come back and build on her religion. I want to know if ceiling cat will send me to hell
for masturbation....


Well-known member
^^^:LOL, MAChead - I think we need to change the name of this thread to "If you were to start your own religion, what would it be? "

BTW, welcome to specktra, it's pretty cool around these parts...

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
^^^:LOL, MAChead - I think we need to change the name of this thread to "If you were to start your own religion, what would it be? "

BTW, welcome to specktra, it's pretty cool around these parts...

Sorry for derailing the thread

But thanks for the welcome!
I'm glad to be here. It's a cool website. Lots to see and learn!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Sorry for derailing the thread

But thanks for the welcome!
I'm glad to be here. It's a cool website. Lots to see and learn!

nononononono sweetie, you didn't derail it at all, you're getting into the spirit of it quite well! No disrespect for the Jediites or Jediists out there intended, BTW but I kind of like the way everyone's thought patterns and word associations changed this thread for the better! We started off with a "Like, is this really real?" and wound up with many inventive and creative people starting their own religions. I LOOOOVE it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
I want to know if ceiling cat will send me to hell
for masturbation....

I'm sure He won't. He will just be watching. (See the 'ceiling cat is watching you masturbate' pic...)


Well-known member
He might do you know. Because every time you masterbate, God Kills a kitten. I shall give some serious thought to it and pray to Holy Ceiling cat for Answers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
I'm sure He won't. He will just be watching. (See the 'ceiling cat is watching you masturbate' pic...)

eewww.... I feel so. self conscious now. Think I'm gonna put some wallpaper on my ceiling now!

Visual error, I don't believe ceiling cat would allow her creations to be killed for that. If she does, then I refuse to submit I refuse!


Well-known member
Well its recognized by the military. In basic training there was a guy that had "jedi" on his dogtags for his religion. I was surprised. But lets not forget Scientology started as a scifi book too...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
Well its recognized by the military. In basic training there was a guy that had "jedi" on his dogtags for his religion. I was surprised. But lets not forget Scientology started as a scifi book too...

Heehee, yes, Jedism even has it's own little board on beliefnet, one of the largest online religious discussion forums. It's kind of funny, but at least it's a lot more benevolent than that "other" sci-fi based religion. Hmm, how about another religion based on Star Trek, anyone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Don't even get me started on Scientology...

I so agree.... I'd rather talk about our POSITIVE religions that don't put ANYONE down based on the way the inherent traits they were born with. Big thumbs down to tom cruise, l.ron hubbard and all those other nutters. tom and hubbard have been deliberately de-capitalized, BTW


Well-known member
I'll stick with following my own Pagan path kthnx.

I dislike them because they are a business and they pick on the vulnerable. They slowly and systematically break you down and then rebuild you in their own image. I'm totally not surprised that Tom has become their poster boy and the fact that he's very taken in by it all. There are other reasons why I don't like them but those are the mains ones.

I'm sure they'll target me now and consider me fair game.