Yay!!!! i'm losing weight!!


Well-known member
Sunday 26th 130 pounds!!I think I lost those couple of pounds so quick because I'm sick (my throat, cold...ugh) and when I'mlike that I don't feel like eating, plus I keep doing my exercices..anyway tomorrow I'm buying vitamins, and supplements, since I'm not going to lie, but I've feeling a little weak lately, and it's not ok.
Also, I'm kinda pissed and depressed these days... I'm homesick, very homesick, all I do is just be on the hotmail MSN chat with my friends from over there, and I even watch those videos from my city through youtube.com and all I do is cry and cry. =( anyway.... my boyfriend is NOT being supportive at all, I told him that I lost a couple of pounds more and he said: "well.. that's because you are not eating" and that's not true, I swear, is just that now, I don't have the need to eat pizza, chips, pasta, burgers and fries no more! and of course since I've changed my eating habits.. I think is obvious that I had to lose some weight, plus I'm working out 3-4 times a week (1hour and a half each time) drinking LOTS of water and I feel fine, close to feel great lol.
It's kinda like a turn off that he said that.. but whatever, I think that he noticed that I changed along with my weight, I don't feel that insecure like before and this might be bothering him.. he's kinda controlling, soo.. it might be that.. it sucks!


^^ This is another pic of me =) as you can see, I'm not a curvy woman, even though when I gained weight I still didn't have not so much hips, and no breasts and you know.. behind.. LOL. so I think me being slimmer makes me look waaaaay simmetrical because of my body type.

Also I want to get tattooed and pierced, Long time ago I haven't done it and I kinda miss that little pain.. I like it, so since I have a long list I decided I'm going to do my inner forearm, I want to get my 2 favorite bands of all times.. one of them is the SMASHING PUMPKINS and the other one is DEFTONES . I'm still looking for the deftones design though..
anyway hopefully I can get them done in the next 2 weeks.. I'll let you know.. ok.. very long post, talked about weight, bf, and even tattoos..


Well-known member
As of September 4th, I'm still 130... =( I'm stucked!! it sucks.. but i know why, because I've been eating a little more than usual, although I keep working out, so maybe that's why I didn't gain anything.. pheww
Anyway... I thinK i JUST have to stick to my salads..
OH! and I got my tattoos, the pics are posted in the say cheese section! but I'm thinking to add something else, I want to add flames around them.. =)


Well-known member
September 9th..... 130 pounds!!! UGHHH this last pounds are getting really hard to lose! anyway, I'll start going to the gym from this week.
I do work out, but just on my home, we'll see how it goes on the gym..=)


Well-known member
September 14th!!!! I FINALLY lost 2 pounds!!!! that means I'm 128 pounds right now, I'm pretty happy for that, since I'm having pretty rough days, and they'll get worse for the next months... but, whatever, so yeah.. I just wanted to post this.
I started to go to the gym since this week, running on the threadmill... damn!! I sweat like crazy!!! so right now I'm a little sore, my body hurts, but It'll go away.. everything is gonna be fine!!
OK. I'll keep you posted!


Well-known member
pounds wooohooo (as of 9/21 ) yes!!!
thanks for all your kind words!!
you guys are awesome!!!


Well-known member
SO... i;m still at 127, =) and since all my jeand do not longer fit me, (yay!) I went to buy new jeans, I got a couple... I used to be size 8 (abercombie) now, I'M ...... SIZE 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I went to try them on, and first I picked size 6 and it was so baggy, and I said, naaaaah there's NO way I'm size 4.. but yeah.. I am.. that's not all, then I tried another model erin skinny destroyed jean in size 4, and it was quite baggy on my hips... so, I end up getting size 2!!!!! CRAAAAAAAAAZY

that's all for now... I'll keep you posted!!


Well-known member
That's awesome! Good for you for making your goal a reality. You're an inspiration to me. I've been trying to lose weight for a while but I've been stuck in a rut and I'm sad to say I only lost 8 lbs in 3 months
I need to up my effort and definitely I feel energized by what you say. Right now I'm doing 30-40 min cardio and light weights twice a week. On average I've cut all my portions in half but I know sometimes I do have an "indulgence". I am trying to motivate myself up to 3x/wk and then 4x but have had a hard time doing it. Eventually my goal is size 4 like you! I'm a size 8 right now. Good luck at your last bit and maintaining! You are gorgeous, girl!