Your biggest beauty regret?


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I used to line only underneath my eye never on top. Not sure why I thought that was cute but I'm so embarrassed when I see pics from me back then


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Cutting off all my long hair into that Miley Cyrus esque style where half the head is shaved. It was cool and fun for like, a month, and then I wanted my hair back. It just now grew out into a bob length, after well over a year of HATING my hair.


Around age 20-ish, my hairdresser completely effed up what what supposed to be a pixie cut. So then I went to a more reputable salon and they did fix it quite well, but my hair was SO short (shorter than pixie short) and I hated it.

Not wearing SPF everyday until 2 or 3-ish years ago. I'm going on 27 and have fine lines on my forehead. I think it's partly genetic because my mother has the EXACT same lines in the EXACT same pattern, but I'm sure if I took more preventative measures sooner I could possibly have had a few more years without them.

Overplucking my brows in my late teens/early twenties. Now they're permanently sparse and I can't make a good shape out of them with tweezing. The only thing the makes them look good is getting them threaded.


Well-known member
I have a couple things.

Firstly, using prescription strength hydroquinone (Obagi) around my eye area. Ugh. If I could go back and slap myself silly for thinking this was a good idea, I would. It only helped to further thin the delicate skin in this area.

Not going to the dermatologist quick enough to prevent acne scarring. Don't ever wait, acne scars are all but impossible to get rid of.

Dying my hair black (as a natural blonde)...Black dye is damn near impossible to get out of your hair without making it feel like brittle straw. In the end, I had to cut all my hair off and start over. It was pretty traumatic.


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Definitely tanning. Especially now that I'm an Esthetician- I always tell my clients to practice safe skin! While there are benefits of sun exposure, protecting your skin is the best thing you can do for it. Prevention is key!


Definitely tanning. Especially now that I'm an Esthetician- I always tell my clients to practice safe skin! While there are benefits of sun exposure, protecting your skin is the best thing you can do for it. Prevention is key!
Hair grows again, make up can be change...but the damage the sun causes remains forever. I always always say that being careful with tanning is the best beauty secret. I´m 25 and I already can see the damage of tanning in people my age.


I always regret when I don't wash my face and moisturise before going to bed. I always have to peel my eyes apart in the morning and unclump my mascara. Ewww.


Well-known member
Having my aunt pluck my eyebrows too thin when I was younger. Luckily, they grew back. Now I never let anyone else touch my eyebrows.