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Golden arches: Perfect your brows!


Well-known member


Well-known member
I love the look of natural and well-groomed brows. This should be duly noted by all those over-pluckers!! It's an epidemic.


Well-known member
trimming the brows is sadly something that many girls do not do. i use my eyebrow comb to hold the hair up in place while i trim. and although all the teen magazines i read when i was younger said to never pluck above your eyebrows, i suggest it to most girls. esp with darker eyebrows. plucking on teh top of the brows will give much better shape and a clear defined line for the brow.

great tut! nothing is worse than ugly brows.


Active member
i have EXTREMELY thin eyebrows, a style that i've sported for way too long! but i don't know how to let them grow in without it looking like shit! can anyone give me some advice on the length of time it'll take and how to keep them clean looking, while getting some thickness back? thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DanaB
i have EXTREMELY thin eyebrows, a style that i've sported for way too long! but i don't know how to let them grow in without it looking like shit! can anyone give me some advice on the length of time it'll take and how to keep them clean looking, while getting some thickness back? thanks!

I had sported the super thin high arched brows for about a year back in 1998 (what a bad year!!) and when i decided to let them grow, i just decided to let them grow and not fuss with them for that time. back then i was not familar with brow pencils. What i'd suggest is while you let them grow, go to MAC and get a brow pencil (i use Fling) and get the MUA to teach you how to shade in and create a bit of a thicker brow while you grow them out. it took quite a few months before mine grew back to full force. I had to suffer. You don't!
thank you so much for this tutorial! i've always felt stupid trying to shape my brows but thanks to your tutorial, my brows look great now and it was so easy!