MAC Hey, Sailor! (Summer 2012) Discussion


I was just looking through my makeup stash and I found beigeland from spring color forecast. I was planning on getting tcas, but I think it might be really close to beigeland. Does anyone have that to compare to tcas?


Well-known member
I will tomorrow. It is the 131 brush. I did everything I could for the poor thing, washed it over and over, dried it flat(almost wanted to straight iron the dang thing) but the kinks just wouldn't come out. LMAO!

Don't know if it was a packaging/shipping issue or just defective bristles.

I dunno??

But I called MAC and told them about it, and they refunded me the cost and I bought one in the store. So yeah, I will take a pic tomorrow and show you guys what it looks like compared to the one I picked out in the store.

you should!

i haven't had any problems with my brushes yet, but i think i've only bought two online...but i don't really look at them super close when i buy them in the store either...guess i've been lucky so far!
i should probably be more particular on my msf's and mineralize eyeshadows, but i never seem to remember one can do that!

i'll probably wait till i go to the store for the brush as well...i'm debating whether there is anything worth phoning and putting on hold in advance...

...and i still want to see more swatches on nc44+!!!


New member
Welcome, illa! I don't know about the Canadian launch date.

For your other question, from the swatches of Fleet Fast, I think it would look great on NC40 skin tones.
thanks so much! Haha my MAC list just keeps getting longer and longer


Well-known member
I will tomorrow. It is the 131 brush. I did everything I could for the poor thing, washed it over and over, dried it flat(almost wanted to straight iron the dang thing) but the kinks just wouldn't come out. LMAO!

Don't know if it was a packaging/shipping issue or just defective bristles.

I dunno??

But I called MAC and told them about it, and they refunded me the cost and I bought one in the store. So yeah, I will take a pic tomorrow and show you guys what it looks like compared to the one I picked out in the store.
that's great that they did that for you. one time i had a concealer separate into greens and yellows or something, and when i went to the store intending to buy a new one, the sales person spoke to her manager instead and replaced it for free! i hadn't realized, but i guess that was a defect?


Well-known member
I was totaly going to pass on this collection but when the pro store called I must have went crazy because I preordered the following:

That turned out to be a far cry from skipping....I REALLY don't know what happened!


Well-known member
That's the MAC zombie in us all... LOL!


I was totaly going to pass on this collection but when the pro store called I must have went crazy because I preordered the following:

That turned out to be a far cry from skipping....I REALLY don't know what happened!


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I want the bronzing powders, are they shimmery? I prefer matte bronzers, but I can use a glowy powder too. Refined Golden was too shimmery for me.


And come ON MAC!!! I am tired of the COMING SOON under the shades....let's do this already!!!

I have a BU of Young Venus in my cart as well. I am in love with that sheen of YV on my lids!!!
Where are you seeing the COMING SOON under the shades? Are you shopping as a PRO Member? Just wondering because I don't see the shades listed at all.....


And come ON MAC!!! I am tired of the COMING SOON under the shades....let's do this already!!!

I have a BU of Young Venus in my cart as well. I am in love with that sheen of YV on my lids!!!
I don't see the COMING SOON or shades listed at all, are you shopping as a PRO Member? Really hoping it pops up sooner than the 24th!


Well-known member
Damn, I really didn't want to add anything to my list but it went from 3... to 4... to 5 LOL. I added Red Racer and Sail La Vie to my original list of Riviera Life, Orange Tempera, and Emerald Sea.


Well-known member
You too, peachsuns! Your avatar is so darn cute!

I smile every time I see it. :)
Hehe. Thanks, Shellcat!
Your avatar makes me smile, too! You're gorgeous!

My list keeps changing everyday, and it's not funny.
This may be a sign that I will have a very small haul? I hope so.


Well-known member
to add to my haul from this collection i just bought the seaside body oil and the new face brush :) yay! oh and some brush cleanser because i'm nearly out! eep!


Well-known member
Ladies - bronzers Soft Sand and Sun Dipped on NC42 skintone

I definitely recommend Soft Sand it's so so so beautiful and you get a gorgeous bronzed all over look, Sun Dipped is a perfect colour for contouring and a lighter application of a tanned look. Both bronzers are perfect for darker skintones!
Thanks for the swatch and recs! Gosh I'm tempted to try one of the bronzers now. I didn't have any bronzers yet... so maybe Soft Sand is a good way to start?