MAC Indulge Collection (August 22, 2013)


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Any suggestions for sensitive combination skin?
I have super sensitive skin (for example, I had a band-aid on my leg which caused irritation and a month later the outline of the band aid is still there!), and the Clarisonic really hurt my skin. I had to return it. I currently use Boscia Clear Complexion cleanser and makeup remover. I also use Simple light moisturizer. This combo has really helped my skin tremendously!

On a sort of related note, someone suggested using MAC PP Neutralizer to even out my skin and it really made my skin look great. But I had to stop using it because I broke out with red dots. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to Bismuth Oxychloride :( I've just received Stila Correct primer, and so far so good :)


Well-known member
I use Purity by Philosophy. It's pretty simple and I've never felt like it strips my skin or causes any irritation.
I use purity as well! I love it! I think i need to invest in clarisonic as well, thing is i heard of ppl breaking out from it or purging etc and im already acne prone with lots of scaring, and ive just gotten my skin to clear up and not breakout as often, so im nervous!


Well-known member
I have super sensitive skin (for example, I had a band-aid on my leg which caused irritation and a month later the outline of the band aid is still there!), and the Clarisonic really hurt my skin. I had to return it. I currently use Boscia Clear Complexion cleanser and makeup remover. I also use Simple light moisturizer. This combo has really helped my skin tremendously! On a sort of related note, someone suggested using MAC PP Neutralizer to even out my skin and it really made my skin look great. But I had to stop using it because I broke out with red dots. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to Bismuth Oxychloride :( I've just received Stila Correct primer, and so far so good :)
Thank you I might have to give boscia a try :) I tend to shy away from primers because I'm afraid they may irritate my skin, I use porefessional from benefit but only if I'm going on a night out.


Well-known member
I use Purity by Philosophy. It's pretty simple and I've never felt like it strips my skin or causes any irritation.
My aunt uses purity and she has sensitive skin also and she loves it, I wonder it they can samples of it at sephora if not I'll have to snag some of my aunts


Well-known member
Thanks for SO MUCH amazing information!! You've solved so many questions about cleaning and moisturizing, etc. I still have to hone my moisturizing and SPF to get the best for my type of skin.  I want to purchase a concealer for my acne and now I don't know what to get. I can ask my mum to purchase SFC in the UK or I can get SSC here in Spain. The problem is that I'm not too sure about my skin type. I think it's combination because it's not noticeably oily all over but it is shiny over my nose, forehead and chin, so I guess my T-zone! My acne isn't necessarily in those areas actually, so not sure what to pick! Thanks agaaaaaaain!!
Ok so I'm completely confused. How do you even go about establishing a skincare routine? Can you go to a counter and get a consultation? I don't even know my skin type. Sorry...I'm a "late bloomer."
In order to find out your skin type, get a dample of a skin cleanser for normal skin. Clean your face with it, and notice how your face feels within an 30-60 mins (without moisturizer) of cleansing. If, within 30-60 mins you feel tight and dry, your skintype is dry, so you need cleansers, masks and moisturizers for dry skin. If within that timeframe you're oily and shiny, your skintype is oily, and need cleansers, masks and moisturizers for oily skin. If your cheeks and nostrils feel dry and flaky, but your T-zone is shiny, then you're combo, and need skincare for combo skin. Generally exfoliators will covers any skintype, except sensitive. Sensitive skin needs extra TLC.
I'm so happy to see ladies using the clarisonic with cystic acne..I've been debating on getting it but wasn't sure if it would actually make my cystic acne worse, my acne isn't too horrible I get one here and there usually on my chin. I wasn't sure on which cleanser to use since my dermatologist has me using nuetrogena right now just because my skin is so sensitive. Any suggestions for sensitive combination skin?
Sensitive skin has to use a little extra care. Exfoliators are the main thing your want to look out for with sensitive skin. Since you are under the care of a dermatologist, I'd check with him before trying any new skincare products, especially if you're on any medications for your skin. Acne on the chin tends to be hormonal, so birth control does tend to help clear it up, if that's an option.
I have super sensitive skin (for example, I had a band-aid on my leg which caused irritation and a month later the outline of the band aid is still there!), and the Clarisonic really hurt my skin. I had to return it. I currently use Boscia Clear Complexion cleanser and makeup remover. I also use Simple light moisturizer. This combo has really helped my skin tremendously! On a sort of related note, someone suggested using MAC PP Neutralizer to even out my skin and it really made my skin look great. But I had to stop using it because I broke out with red dots. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to Bismuth Oxychloride :( I've just received Stila Correct primer, and so far so good :)
I'm the same way with bandaids. I'm actually allergic to the adhesive in bandaids and clear hospital tape. My skin gets all scaley like a lizard and remains like that for a couple weeks. I have to use paper tape.


Well-known member
In order to find out your skin type, get a dample of a skin cleanser for normal skin. Clean your face with it, and notice how your face feels within an 30-60 mins (without moisturizer) of cleansing. If, within 30-60 mins you feel tight and dry, your skintype is dry, so you need cleansers, masks and moisturizers for dry skin. If within that timeframe you're oily and shiny, your skintype is oily, and need cleansers, masks and moisturizers for oily skin. If your cheeks and nostrils feel dry and flaky, but your T-zone is shiny, then you're combo, and need skincare for combo skin. Generally exfoliators will covers any skintype, except sensitive. Sensitive skin needs extra TLC. Sensitive skin has to use a little extra care. Exfoliators are the main thing your want to look out for with sensitive skin. Since you are under the care of a dermatologist, I'd check with him before trying any new skincare products, especially if you're on any medications for your skin. Acne on the chin tends to be hormonal, so birth control does tend to help clear it up, if that's an option. I'm the same way with bandaids. I'm actually allergic to the adhesive in bandaids and clear hospital tape. My skin gets all scaley like a lizard and remains like that for a couple weeks. I have to use paper tape.
THANK YOU!! That's soooo useful!! I've never quite known, I only noticed recently that my forehead and nose is shinier than people I see in photos or on YouTube lol. I'll try your method and I'll see what sort of skin I have and I'll choose the concealer depending on that.


Well-known member
Same here. Although I do clean my brush after every use (does that make me OCD??? Lol). I just can't stand see white bristles not be white anymore. I'm anal about my white bristled makeup brushes too lol.
No way----I clean my Clarisonic brush too. Don't get me started on makeup brushes---you know I wash mine every night.


Well-known member
I personally cant wait! Im a lipstick junkie! And because Archie Girls was really the first collection I participated in, I dont want to pass anything good up!! lol Im sick of looking at old collections! Its driving me crazy because I get mad that I didnt purchase it when it came out!! lol


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]     I'm going to an Indulge event Aug 22 but I'm so not inspired.  Please help me get excited about this collection!!!![/COLOR]:yaay:
I'm trying to get excited about this collection to lol. I'm more excited about Retro Mattes! Not sure if I'll completely skip but there's nothing that is calling out to me


Well-known member
I personally cant wait! Im a lipstick junkie! And because Archie Girls was really the first collection I participated in, I dont want to pass anything good up!! lol Im sick of looking at old collections! Its driving me crazy because I get mad that I didnt purchase it when it came out!! lol
You look amazing!!