All Things Sephora


Well-known member
I cackled so hard at this! To think there was a time when people deliberately did that to their brows!!!

I may have been one of them.


Well-known member
I saw that! lol my boyfriend and I were laughing at how angry people on FB are when I saw your post. i recognized your name from your watermarks on your photos here! i am officially a spectrette (Spectrite?)

does anyone else google for swatches and end up seeing other ladies from here? happens to me ALL THE TIME and i feel like a creep!! lol!
Me too and I used to do it before joining here too!


Well-known member
I am wondering if they are pushing it back to avoid the ’same day’ shipping deal.. If you order after 3pm ( I believe ET) - then they do not have to ship it out today.... it will be processed tomorrow..

Just a theory..


Well-known member
The worst!  I always get hairs growing in 2 inches from my brows but never in the sparse spots actually IN my brows.  And I've been plucking my unibrow for years, still grows back.  Accidentally pluck a hair I need in my brow and I look like Vanilla Ice for the rest of my life.
I have accidentally plucked a hair I needed so many times and I would be horrified thinking it'll never grow back! It always did, though. :lol: For me, the quickest way to get rid of brow hair is Veet. I slap it on where the unibrow is and then to shape my brows I use a q-tip. You gotta be easy b/c if you use you fingers and put too much on you'll turn into Whoopi Goldberg.
I really thought these would be up at either 9am or 12 pm EST, but since those passed I really don't have the slightest guess now.  And somehow I don't trust their "within business hours" claim lol
Watch they launch it at rush hour.


Well-known member
Back from getting my lunch and I was refreshing on my phone like a fiend. Why do I do this to myself? I don't want this to still be going on when I get home because then my husband will have something to say


Well-known member
PHEW I managed to get the Becca one - you have to refresh and hit "add to bag" as SOON as the page loads, because it wasn't letting me at first lol