Swollen inner labia *somewhat graphic*


Well-known member
Okay so last night, my inner labia swelled so badly that I went to the urgent care facility at the hospital. The doctor looked at it and said it could be either a cyst or an allergic reaction to something. I dyed my hair on Thursday night and I was washing it off, it started rinsing out like crazy in the front side of my body, so I was trying to rinse the dye off my body...so I was thinking that maybe some traveled "down there" without being aware of it and the chemicals irritated it. I first noticed the discomfort on Friday (the day after I was washing out the dye).

It is Wednesday now and it swelled up really bad yesterday when I wore tight jeans. That probably wasn't the best idea to wear tight jeans when the area was already a bit uncomfortable.

I have been sitting in a tub full of epsom salt, and taking Benadryl Allergy. Ibuprofen was recommended to reduce swelling.

Has anybody else ever experienced this? It's so swollen that it's hard to walk without feeling it. It looks like I have a little penis, and feels like a hemorrhoid, but on my inner labia. The doctor said that if it was a cyst, they would have to cut into it and drain it, so I'm really hoping it's not a cyst. Four days would be awfully quick for a cyst to develop and swell so much though, right?


Well-known member
I had something very similar that was a grape sized lump on one side of my inner labia. It was awful. Sitting down hurt and it was so uncomfortable. I started off as being irritated and then swelled clear up very quickly. I just ended up having to wait it out. I never did go see the doctor about it.


Well-known member
My suggestion to you would be following up with your Gynec as she is the best person to give you advice on your condition.


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Yikes! Sometimes I worry about hair dye getting into my "area" and causing a problem. I remember my mom always telling me to wash the dye out with your head upside down or knees on floor and head in the bathtub.

But a few times, I used to get a somewhat large bump down there. And it would hurt, like an ingrown. I know your not supposed to pop or poke things down there b/c you'll be prown to infection... but I popped it. And it was an ingrown. Shaving down stairs then sweating or wearing tight clothes and it rubs against you, all had contributed to it.

That's great that your saw the doc, but if it seems to get worse... definitly go back for a 2nd look or opinion. And if it is a cyst, the hair dye might have irritated the area that the "cyst" came out to become noticable. I had a similar situation with KY jelly but I wont get into detail with that. I was so scared thinking I caught something but the doc took care of it.

Remember, don't stress too much about this.... stress will just contribute to the swelling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashpardesi
Based on your symptoms,I support your doctors diagnosis as the cause of your discomfort is a cyst -a Bartholin cyst to be specific.Bartholin glands are situated on either sides of the vagina,and when the opening of the glands gets blocked,they appear as cysts coz the secretions get blocked inside the gland and they start to swell.

Thats exactly what I was going to say. I've had them. They are NOT. FUN.

You need to go back to your doctor ASAP. It is not something you want to let fester, trust me.

It'll be okay. They give you pain meds and numb the site of the cyst. After a few days of dressings, you'll be good to go.


Well-known member
Thank you to all who responded. I went to the ER last night because of the severe discomfort and my swollen labia was examined by three doctors (one of them was a gynecologist).

They all said that they don't think it's an allergic reaction,
the swollen labia is "too soft" to be a cyst.
So they said that it could possibly an infection so they gave me antibiotics. They said that if it doesn't work, I'll have to see another gyno.
I'm so scared of that because I had a pap about 2 months ago and it was the most painful and traumatizing experience I've ever had. Whenever I think about it, I cry.

I explained to them yesterday that my last pap was very recent and it was such a horrible experience. While talking about it, I started crying, shaking a bit, and I broke out in these red hive kind of things, my heartbeat sped up to 137 beats a minute, and my blood pressure skyrocketed. I have tachycardia (irregularly fast heartbeat), but it was very fast as I was talking about it (I was being monitored by the machines for vitals during the visit). So I am very traumatized to have anything go near my vagina, even when they were just touching it and looking at it, I was wincing a little bit because I was scared even though touching it didn't hurt, I'm just terrified about all of that now ever since my pap.

So if it's not a cyst, and it's not an allergic reaction, I have no idea what could have caused my right side of my inner labia to swell up so huge that it resembles a testicle...


Well-known member
Ugh, I feel for you
Thats horrible. I don't have any experience with this kind of thing but good luck


Well-known member
I'm so sorry hun!

But its a good thing that you went to see a doctor though. I know the whole pelvic examine thing can be very scary and uncomfortable. I remember how seriously scared I was when I got my first few done. Not to scare you or anything but if this doesn't clear up soon on its own I think it may be the best thing to do, to see a gyna for this. I know it'll be hard but you have to really really relax and let the doctor know how you feel about pelvic examines and if he/she could be a bit more gentle. Take big deep breathes in and out. And remember that the more relaxed you are, the easier and faster it'll be.

Also ask, I don't know if this is standard or not but for the doctor to warm up the speculum if it's a metal one to have the doctor put it under some warm running water for a few seconds. This will help warm it up a bit so it's not freezing cold which may help relax your body. Also have them apply some surgical lube on it to help it go in easier and be less uncomfortable. My first examine, they didn't use any lube and boy does it make a difference!

I just recently got one of those ingrown bumps. I first started feeling kind of sore on one spot on my right side. The next few days it started to get a big bigger and a bit pinker. I rubbed some hydrocortisone cream on the spot no more than twice a day for two days and it slowly started to go away. Now I wouldn't suggest doing anything that the doctors haven't told you to do though.

I hope you get better soon!

I forgot to mention that you should try wearing much looser pants and undies for now. The looser the better. I've noticed that when I wear thongs and tight pants I can sweat down there (gross and probably TMI I know, sorry!) and that could aggravate it. Plus sweat can be a breeding ground for germs. And if you shave def don't shave for a bit at least until it clears up.


Originally Posted by ashpardesi
Based on your symptoms,I support your doctors diagnosis as the cause of your discomfort is a cyst -a Bartholin cyst to be specific.Bartholin glands are situated on either sides of the vagina,and when the opening of the glands gets blocked,they appear as cysts coz the secretions get blocked inside the gland and they start to swell.Usually such cysts are painless,UNLESS they secondarly infected and then becomes an abscess( a collection of pus) subsequently if left untreated,in that case a simple incision and draining out the infected pus will relieve the pain and swelling followed with antibiotics shld cure the infection.It is when it gets painful,cannot sit,fever or pain on intercourse that makes the patient visit the doctors.so your cyst might have been small and painless intially for a couple of days and now it is grown a lot bigger and now infected that you paid attention to that cyst..My suggestion to you would be following up with your Gynec as she is the best person to give you advice on your condition.

I have had these before. I had to have some minor surgery as well (they don't stitch it closed, they leave it open with a wick, like a piece of gauze that falls out of its own eventually or you can take it out after a couple days). If it is an abscess it can be dangerous, especially if it ruptures into the bloodstream. Also for the surgery often they have to put you under as local painkillers don't go deep enough (eek). But it is way worse to have it than to get it fixed. I went to work the next day and wore jeans, it wasn't a big deal.



Well-known member
Thanks everyone again. I have had the "ball" for a week and 2 days now. No gynecologist office around here can fit me in until Tuesday at the earliest, so I have to wait. If having something sticking out of me that resembles a huge walnut wasn't bad enough, I also started my period yesterday. So add cramps and blood to the ordeal. I've noticed a change in the texture, it feels like it's getting firmer so I guess it is a cyst after all. Hopefully when I go on Tuesday, they can cut it and get rid of it. It's really such a pain. I haven't been able to wear regular pants in over a week, I wear really loose undies and really loose PJ pants wherever I go.
Thanks again for your input everybody! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!


Well-known member
i've had it happen but i never went to the doctor because i knew what happend
the ex and i got pretty rough one night (and lazy; my panties stayed on but were pushed to the side but they shifted and caused friction......) and needless to say when i saw it swollen i was surprised/amused/disgusted by the way it looked but i wasnt surprised it happened. i just had to wait it out and let it go away on its own. the only thing is that i used ivory soap down there til it went away because i was scared of irritating it even more.
in your case it could be the dye. almost anything can irritate us down there and cause something like that. especially when dealing with chemicals. i would wait it out but in the meantime wear some not so tight pants. try to give it as much air/space as you can
hope that helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
Thanks everyone again. I have had the "ball" for a week and 2 days now. No gynecologist office around here can fit me in until Tuesday at the earliest, so I have to wait. If having something sticking out of me that resembles a huge walnut wasn't bad enough, I also started my period yesterday. So add cramps and blood to the ordeal. I've noticed a change in the texture, it feels like it's getting firmer so I guess it is a cyst after all. Hopefully when I go on Tuesday, they can cut it and get rid of it. It's really such a pain. I haven't been able to wear regular pants in over a week, I wear really loose undies and really loose PJ pants wherever I go.
Thanks again for your input everybody! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Warm showers and baths can help too. It can sometimes make it surface and, er how to say it without sounding too gross, purge.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
Thanks everyone again. I have had the "ball" for a week and 2 days now. No gynecologist office around here can fit me in until Tuesday at the earliest, so I have to wait. If having something sticking out of me that resembles a huge walnut wasn't bad enough, I also started my period yesterday. So add cramps and blood to the ordeal. I've noticed a change in the texture, it feels like it's getting firmer so I guess it is a cyst after all. Hopefully when I go on Tuesday, they can cut it and get rid of it. It's really such a pain. I haven't been able to wear regular pants in over a week, I wear really loose undies and really loose PJ pants wherever I go.
Thanks again for your input everybody! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

I hate how long it can take to get an appointment! Especially when somethings urgent but not like ER urgent. But if this "ball" does get worst do go to the ER though. But I hope the gyna can get to the bottom of whatever is going on and help make it go away or heal.

Originally Posted by Lauren1981
i've had it happen but i never went to the doctor because i knew what happend
the ex and i got pretty rough one night (and lazy; my panties stayed on but were pushed to the side but they shifted and caused friction......) and needless to say when i saw it swollen i was surprised/amused/disgusted by the way it looked but i wasnt surprised it happened. i just had to wait it out and let it go away on its own. the only thing is that i used ivory soap down there til it went away because i was scared of irritating it even more.
in your case it could be the dye. almost anything can irritate us down there and cause something like that. especially when dealing with chemicals. i would wait it out but in the meantime wear some not so tight pants. try to give it as much air/space as you can
hope that helps

I have always been told to avoid using shower gels, any kind of soap/gel or whatever that has fragrance or dyes on the vagina also. It's best to use plain old soap like the regular dove bar soaps down there.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
Thanks everyone again. I have had the "ball" for a week and 2 days now. No gynecologist office around here can fit me in until Tuesday at the earliest, so I have to wait. If having something sticking out of me that resembles a huge walnut wasn't bad enough, I also started my period yesterday. So add cramps and blood to the ordeal. I've noticed a change in the texture, it feels like it's getting firmer so I guess it is a cyst after all. Hopefully when I go on Tuesday, they can cut it and get rid of it. It's really such a pain. I haven't been able to wear regular pants in over a week, I wear really loose undies and really loose PJ pants wherever I go.
Thanks again for your input everybody! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

The hardness may also be scar tissue starting to form.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
Thanks everyone again. I have had the "ball" for a week and 2 days now. No gynecologist office around here can fit me in until Tuesday at the earliest, so I have to wait.......

A little something I've learned about today's healthcare system is that sadly you need to over report (exaggerate) your pain on certain occasions to keep from getting the blow off.

Hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
A little something I've learned about today's healthcare system is that sadly you need to over report (exaggerate) your pain on certain occasions to keep from getting the blow off.

Hope you feel better soon.

Quite true! I've found that if I wanted to see a doctor and if I had truly felt that it was something that needs to be tended to. I'll exaggerate the pain or discomfort a bit. Or I'll try to explain to them my situation. Which is that I don't drive, my dads the only one that does and he's only off one day a week. And that public transportation is a bitch and it can take me 2 hours just to see my GP if I take a trolley. For the most part it works.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX

I have always been told to avoid using shower gels, any kind of soap/gel or whatever that has fragrance or dyes on the vagina also. It's best to use plain old soap like the regular dove bar soaps down there.

I use Summer's Eve feminine wash, I am highly sensitive down there. Soaps and shave creams and all kinds of things in the showering process will make me have an allergic reaction. Like a puffer fish but not so cute.
Oh gosh, sorry for the visual.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
I use Summer's Eve feminine wash, I am highly sensitive down there. Soaps and shave creams and all kinds of things in the showering process will make me have an allergic reaction. Like a puffer fish but not so cute.
Oh gosh, sorry for the visual.

I've thought about using that stuff. But since I haven't seen any ill affects from me using reg. soap on my vajayjay I've decided to just be cheap and stick with soap lol. Now when it comes to my face...it's the total opposite, it hates everything!

My mom has told me that I should avoid using soap PERIOD down there. I had been complaining about irritation that I now know is from me shaving. But uhh no soap down there?! Hell no! I gotta feel fresh and clean, every part of me has to lol.