What does your man say about your mac addiction??


Well-known member
I think he is ok with it now. at first he was like "dont materialize" he thought it was all I cared for! I was so mad that he thought I was so plastic like! but now he realizes that since he is the one that works and I stay home all by myself just w my son, that its the thing that keeps me entertained.
so now he's ok w it. he buys me gift cards an tells me what colors just dont look good on me and which ones do!
yeah its cooL!


Well-known member
My DH thinks its cute.He volunteer's to take me and he even takes me on a Pro Shop run once a week.So he's really supportive of it and even buy's me the makeup himself sometimes.He always watches me put my makeup on and likes MAC pigments.He even bought himself a Barbie to keep he doesn't plan to sale it.I think it's cute.


Well-known member
Well I think my hubby is okay with my obession. Although we have had a couple of arguments about how much I spend on MAC. He knows it is something I love and it keeps me entertained. I know I buy alot more makeup now since I am stationed in Belgium, than I do when I go visit home back in Cali. It's because I can't just drive down to the mall and and go to the local MAC counter to look and test some colors I'm not sure I want. So what do I end up doing? Buying everything because I don't know what the true color/texture is. Oh well. He gets his Xbox 360 games, I get my MAC.


Well-known member
Oh geez...Where do I begin? LOL I'll save you from every detail. My dh thinks I'm nuts of course! Then again I think he's nuts whenever he spends a crapload of money on his muscle car. I'm kind of glad he's got that car because whenever I HAVE to get to MAC counter I just remind him of his last trip to the summit racing website. I guess it's my ace in the hole whenever I want some new makeup!


Well-known member
I just noticed this thread and thought I'd better contribute as my own situation is somewhat amusing....

*My* boyfriend not only doesn't mind my makeup obsession, he actively ENCOURAGES it, particularly to buy the brighter and wilder colours, and then when we get it home HELPS HIMSELF to the bl**dy stuff lol!.... it's worthwhile pointing out at this stage that we're "alternative/ goth" types so it's not so unusual on our club scene for fellas to wear makeup and generally dress in a more flamboyant way than is common in the mainstream. And it's actually LOVELY to be able to have really enthusiastic makeup discussions with my S.O.....But for goodness sake KEEP YER HANDS OFF *MY* MAC fella!!!

So far I've managed to keep him away from the more expensive items in the main, but his ABSOLUTE TOP favourite makeup item has got to be (of all things) my MAC Frankly scarlet blush (!!!) which on his VERY warm and very dark complexion I've got to admit gives him the most amazing cheekbones!! (I let him live for stealing that purely cos it's probably a bit too garish on me, and I'm glad to see it actually getting the love it deserves...)

Other stuff he's "made off" with (or as he claims, "borrowed", although I never see it back....)

- pretty much all my Barry M dazzledust eyeshadow (loose uber-bright pigments)

- COUNTLESS moisturisers, face scrubs, masks etc have been enthusiastically "dipped into"

- my bright red Clinique glosswear nailvarnish, which he's just about used up

- a practically untouched L'Oreal foundation which I thought I'd lost... till I spotted in HIS suitcase when we went away on holiday!!!

- a dark red Bourjois lipstick which he used up completely and I'm now fighting to keep him away from my deeper MAC reds, lol

- a purple MAC lipliner (Grape?) that I wasn't sure I would keep or return.... I didn't get the option in the end as he absolutely LOVES it paired with metallic silver lipgloss.

- possibly the worst sin of all: the boy keeps BORROWING MY TWEEZERMANS lol!!!

So now I have to WATCH certain items carefully (my beloved Passionate eyeshadow for example: my boyfriend's got a real weakness for bright red) and when things come into the house, I have to be stern and tell him "this is NOT for you!!!" :)

- But on a serious note, I think I've come up with the solution to stop him using my stuff when we go out clubbing: I'm booking him a MAC makeover for his birthday next month so he can try out whatever he wants with the expertise of a properly trained MA on hand.... I know he doesn't actually MIND paying reasonable money for high end products if he likes them, so hopefully he'll buy some yummy pretty goodies and I'll be able to repay the "favour" by pinching oops I mean "borrowing" makeup and goodies from him! tee hee!

Sho x


Well-known member
He doesn't say anything, but he was worried when he saw my MAC barbie. He was like, "Don't get anymore barbies!"
Otherwise he really can't say anything, I'd just counter with how much $ he spends on his truck and assorted electronic doo-dads.


Well-known member
My husband is wonderfully supportive. We don't lie to eachother or hide how much we spend... in fact he is usually right by my side at the counter helping me pick shades. He also puts together random combos for me and points out other womends make up, either bad or good and says you could wear that but you could change it up a bit or ewwww that poor girl needs make up help. He is a DJ in his spare time and when it comes to record shopping I am always right there with him, headphones and all helping him dig. It's a great way for us to spend time together and be involved in eachothers passion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macface
My boyfriend thinks im crazy but he supports my habit.I support his car obssesion.

Haha...I hear this one, my boy is car crazy too. He asked me awhile ago why I go to MAC instead of just getting 'regular' makeup...and I just told him I love it and its the best (Would he go to autozone for parts for his car? I think not!). He doesnt really get into it much with me, besides telling me it looks good, sometimes he makes fun of me if I hug him and some color comes off onto him (i.e. blush or es on his white shirts...eek) But he says he doesnt mind...He laughed incredibly hard when he figured out I have to fill in most of my eyebrows...

I told him I was getting my makeup done at MAC last weekend and he was super glad I had fun, and when I showed up to see him after he was like "Katura! It looks like you did your makeup! I guess you're just as good as the makeup girls there." haha...cute.


Well-known member
I think the reason most people dont understand having so much MU, is they see it as a product you use. And for most people, a consumnable product, is something you use, until you run out, and then you buy more. So when they see a lot of MU, they think, "OMG, why do you have so much?!? You'll never use that all in a lifetime! Why do you need more?!?!"

I simply explain to them that it's not about using it up, and that it's about having choice. Why would I want to wear the same shade of eyeshadow every day (like some women who criticize), when I can wear a different shade every day? Having a choice is what makes me happy.

The only people who really give me a hard time are typically other women, and these are the types that go bare face 99% of the time. And talk about how they put on foundation and eyeliner to get, "glamed up" for a special night out. They just dont understand MU at all (crazy I know!), let alone spending money on counter MU (isn't drugstore good enough?!?! LOL), and buying MU that you'll never use up.


Well-known member
My husband says "When is the next Color Story coming out?" He's well informed LOL

He works hard to earn a living that provides us with disposable income that we both use to buy things we enjoy. For me, it is usually craft items, clothes or MAC, for him its car stuff, toys with GPS capability or other random crap. The bills get paid, the savings and investments get funded and my kids are fed. Who cares what the play money gets spent on?

miss holly j

Active member
My boyfriend doesn't know, not yet anyways. However, when he does find out he's going to say that I need to stop spending my money on makep up and save.

Not that it's going to change anythings. HEH


Well-known member
Ok I have to update ya'll... since I started this thread my obssession has certainly gotten worse but my husband has gotten better/more understanding. On my birthday he actually went to SAKS and got me a GC to spend at the MAC counter!! Yeahh!


My boyfriend totally spoils me. For my birthday (Valentine's Day) He went to town and bought me a crap load of stuff including another 187 brush. When the Barbie collection came out he bought me everything, lol!

Miss Jo

My boyfriend has no say because it's my money so I spend it how I like

He has an addiction to buying stuff for his car like alloys or whatever so I would just throw that in his face if he ever said anything.


Well-known member
My hubby knows it's my passion, and therefore supports it without complaint or rolling his eyes, just as I support his computer electronics and video game "passion." Besides, he MUST support my makeup obsession!!!


Well-known member
my bf doesnt understand the fascination with make up in general. ive only just given up my addiction to handbags now everytime we go out, i always have to step into mac or any make up shop for that matter. now, whenever we go out, he's well prepared. he takes a bottle of drink with him and makes sure to find a nice palce to sit coz i could be there a while.

i make fun of him for his obessession with video games but i tell him he spends as much on games as i do make up. now hes never stuck on bribery gifts and bday presents...this year: a giftcard!


Well-known member
He's a total enabler, and constantly pays attention to what I say I like or don't like and surprises me with presents when he can.

I'm very lucky.


Well-known member
my bf is really good about it. he jokes about how i dont need all this makeup but then he also supports my addiction by buying my MAC stuff. lol. i love him.


Well-known member
He doesn't know the true extent of it all, and hey, that's fine with me. He knows I am pigment obsessed and surprises me with one every now and again!