Recent content by mackittyx3

  1. mackittyx3


    after a day of rushing through that whole tsunami thing, i found time to do some practicing. .__. i tried to use colors i don't normally use. my camera just washed away all the color~ tell me what you think <3 i need some feedback!
  2. mackittyx3

    studio sculpt rubs off on my clothes~!

    is there anyway i can prevent this? i'm not sure if it's the way i apply it, or the consistency of the foundation itself. any ideas?
  3. mackittyx3

    mac lipstick recs for tan skin?

    I'm kind of tanned, a NC42. I was wondering what kind of lipsticks would work for me? [: i'm horrible at explanations.
  4. mackittyx3

    Your top recs of Mac E/S and pigment for a peacock look?

    I need help with colors to perfect my peacock look. The colors I use/in my possession for this look are: humid, electric eel, black tied, forgery, creme royal, stylin' and too dolly & deep blue green pigment. Any suggestions?