Recent content by Macz.addict

  1. Macz.addict

    Freelance MA website?

    Hello Ladies... Do any of you have a website with pictures of the work you've done. I'm sure you'd like to share your passion with all of us
  2. Macz.addict

    How often do you purchase MU?

    Hello girls... Post how often you purchase MU and pls state if you buy it with the MAC Pro card or not?
  3. Macz.addict

    Any MAC or Freelance MUA around Boston area? or NY?

    Hello Girlies! Just wondering if I have any MUA are around my area.... I don't really "know" alot of MUA around here..except the girls I know that work at the MAC stores...
  4. Macz.addict

    Hello girlies!

    Hello...! I'm a newbie to this site!! My name is Cindi, from Massachusetts... I'm a MAC-ADDICT!! as my name says hehe... and coming to this site I've realized that I'm certainly not the only one that is MAC-CRAZY lol lol I thought MAC would ban me for buying too many products but I'm so...