Recent content by Makeup maven

  1. Makeup maven


  2. Makeup maven

    MAC Freelancer VS Perm (pay)

    Currently I freelance for M.A.C but I had a full time job so I would rarely freelance. Recently I left my job and started to pick up more hours as a freelancer. I was wondering if whenever you transition to perm, do you get a pay increase or does it stay the same...
  3. Makeup maven

    Let me see your traincase.! Caboodles & all

    Want to see your traincases girls... Post pics and info where you got yours ;)
  4. Makeup maven

    Freelancer to Fulltime (MAC Cosmetics) Questions

    I am currently a freelancer for Mac. But I have only worked twice, I have been doing it for about 4months. They called me another time but I have a full time job so i was unable to go... I recently freelanced for Nordstrom during the "Hey Sailor" launch and did great! There wasnt...
  5. Makeup maven

    Interviewed with MAC last week, now what?

    Interviewed with MAC a week ago. I did the interview the makeup demo. Everything went great! I had prepared for the interview and reasearched to make sure i did good! Its been a week and I havent heard back, and wasnt notified of a timeframe i would hear Back by...