Recent content by Orchid_28

  1. Orchid_28

    I mean...I am doing her a big favor right?

    So I've been babysitting this lady's kids off and on. She used to be my mom's friend. My mom told me that she just takes advantage of her and is ungrateful for the things that she has done to help her friend. I will call this lady Stacy. So I've still kept in contact with Stacy because ONE: I...
  2. Orchid_28

    Day of the Dead Sugar Skull look

    Maybe its a little too early for this look. But Halloween is just a few months away and Im thinking of doing this for that day. There is no other way to make the dead look any prettier especially with all the designs and colors that is incorporated into this look! Any one up for the challenge...
  3. Orchid_28

    Does hair dye expire?

    I found this black hair dye from Revlon in my bf's bathroom. He said he had it for almost two years and isnt going to use it. Since my hair dye is fading I wanted to color it black again. I looked everywhere in the box, the bottles, and the instructions for an expiration date but there wasnt...
  4. Orchid_28

    I am having shopping withdraws

    I haven't bought anything for myself in months! I swear I am having shopping withdraws. The reason why? because I dont have a steady job. Meaning I only babysit once in awhile! I am looking for a job this week. I hope I get something because I know that when I at least get my second check Im...
  5. Orchid_28

    Girl talking to my bf

    There was a party yesterday with friends and family. And this girl came with her brother and 2 other girlfriends. Her brother knows my bf and he was painting my bf's room with some really cool art work. So anyways this girl was talking to my bf...I honestly dont mind him talking to other girls...
  6. Orchid_28

    Question about Birth Control

    I have been taking birth control for almost one year...I was wondering if I can just skip the placebo pills (I think that's what you would call it...the days where you are suppose to start your period) and go to the next pack?
  7. Orchid_28

    What hair dyes would go with my orange hair?

    Okay so I previously posted that I wanted to color my hair red...But I couldnt because I had black dyed hair. I finally got it removed with Loreal Hair color removal kit. It worked! it just turned my hair an ugly orange gold look. But I've been reading through the internet that to tone down...
  8. Orchid_28

    Pic of my hair...what color should I pick?

    So I finally got the color I wanted! before it was a really bright red because I was scared that if I went darker my hair would turn black but I guess I was wrong. It turned out perfect...very similar to Hyori's hair color here yay! BEFORE old pic: Possible hair colors: I really like Lee...
  9. Orchid_28

    Bleaching my hair

    I have permanent black dye on my hair and its been about 3-4 months since I have colored it. I really want a different color like a chestnut or auburn color. So my question is what kind of bleach do I need to use? I went on sallys beauty supply online and it seems they have it for blondes to...
  10. Orchid_28

    I'm going to a Job Fair...any suggestions!?

    Hi girls, I'm going to a job fair for Urban Outfitters and is extremely excited yet very nervous because I have never been to a job fair before. They have an opening next month and said to wear casual clothes and to come between 10am-7pm at a certain place. So any suggestions? What is it like?