I am having shopping withdraws


Well-known member
I haven't bought anything for myself in months! I swear I am having shopping withdraws. The reason why? because I dont have a steady job. Meaning I only babysit once in awhile! I am looking for a job this week. I hope I get something because I know that when I at least get my second check Im spending it on makeup lol. GAWD that would feel so good!

What do you ladies do to keep you from buying something you WANT? Because I do have a problem in spending money on beauty products, makeup, and clothes. Like when I used to work in retail...I used to spend so much money and have to wait on my next check to buy things I actually NEED! Like fixing my car and school. Do some of you have this problem?

Oh and I just watched Confessions of a Shopaholic BTW and it was a cute movie! I know I will never have 12 credit cards...maybe just ONE? haha but I loved all her clothes and accessories made me want to spend my gas money! but I didnt though. *sigh*


Well-known member
honestly i just don't think about things i can't afford. and don't amke it easy to spend the money - like i'd never go in a mac shop when i had no cash - disaster waiting to happen!


Well-known member
I am currently breaking the urge to just shop for no reason right now...It makes you feel better when you are doing it but afterwards when you realize there are so many other things you needed versus mu...then you feel awful. I am seriously trying to not hype buy, not buy when I am bored, not buy things I really don't need or that are not unique...and not buy to impress other people or because other people are buying.

I started doing other things that I like...working out...puzzles, riding my bike, gardening etc....and I am liking not chasing that next best mu brand, next pink lipstick, eyeshadow etc....


Well-known member
I totally feel your pain! ((tear drop))

The otherday, the CCO theard had an undate on my local CCO. I sooo wanted to go and buy. A lot of the items were something I've been waiting for. But I looked over my bank account, and no way in hell I can be spending money on things I "want".

My husband has been out of a job for 2 months now (we have been going to court with unemployment and soon to be suing his former employer). So I've been paying bills, rent and groceries all by myself (and should I mention that I'm giving my husband an allowance, haha).
I work a part time job (but it feels more like full time) but I get bonus and comission often. So all my money is being saved for us to have a roof over our head. I go through real bad withdrawls to the point where I start talking crazy. "Maybe I'll start dancin on a pole" OR "Maybe selling some weed would be better". LOL
But I could never do that. I love myself and I would go crazy if I was sent to prison.

To make myself not feel the shopping withdrawl sickness, I think about the feeling of NOT being stressed. No money = Stress. Having money = Somewhat happy, lol.
Having money in my savings feels way more fulfilling than having new makeup or clothes in my hand. Also, I do filter through my closet to sell my unworn clothing. So that gives me extra money in my pocket. Another thing I want to do is... have a yard sale but the folks in my area who attended yard sales are a little off (aka: tweekers; if you know what I mean).