Recent content by Sexycj

  1. Sexycj

    A Portrait Face....

    My Family and I took a Family Portrait today and I wanted to share my FOTD with you guys, Here goes!( Excuse my hubby in the photos) Mac unless noted... Face- BE Dark Mally shimmer, shape, and glow in Life is Deeper Mally concealer Eyes- Jardin Aires Provence Carbon Amber Lights Honesty...
  2. Sexycj

    Late Graduation Day FOTD

    It was soo hot outside and I decided to wear a darker weave and it was too hot to handle. Noted if I use anything other than MAC.... Face: BE- Dark Mally shimmer, shape, and glow- life is deeper Eyes- Arena -allover Beautymarked - crease Vex- outer lid Honesty- inner lid Lips- Oh...
  3. Sexycj

    Hello Everyone!

    I have been looking for a while and now I am introducing myself to you all. I just posted an old FOTD of mine and you may look if you would like. I hope to be conversing and sharing tips with many of you. Thanks
  4. Sexycj

    Old FOTD

    Hello Ladies, Hi I am new and I would like to share an old FOTD of mine. I hope I loaded it correctly and you may comment if you like, Thanks for looking. Click on the image it looks a lot better up close. Face- BE Dark Mally Shimmer, Shape, and Glow in Life is deeper Eyes- Mac Beauty...