Late Graduation Day FOTD


Active member
It was soo hot outside and I decided to wear a darker weave and it was too hot to handle.

Noted if I use anything other than MAC....

BE- Dark
Mally shimmer, shape, and glow- life is deeper

Arena -allover
Beautymarked - crease
Vex- outer lid
Honesty- inner lid

Oh Baby

Click to make picture bigger . Thanks for looking!


Active member
Thank you so much I am getting a digital camera soon, and then you guys will be able to get a better look at me without my weave LOL!


Well-known member
Aww, congrats
You look very pretty!!


Active member
Thanks hotpink1326 and Ms. Entipy. I have gotten more creative with my makeup application since joining this site. Look forward to seeing more colors on me and a better pic as well. I really love color but, I had to wear neutral for that day.


Well-known member
congrats grad! you look beautiful. tell me more about this Mally shimmer shape and shine product. i've heard some good things. is the contouring and highlighting really as "magical" as it claims?



Active member
In my opinion, it is I often look glowy in my pictures but, sometimes it maybe the shine on my face due to my oily t- zone. I love the shimmer it looks natural not overdone, the shape is a nice contour shade , and the glow looks like it is coming from within. Do a search on google for this product and you may see some more pictures of the outcome. The blush color is peach or pink, and the shimmer and shape is detailed to light or dark coloring. HTH!