Recent content by snowberries

  1. snowberries

    makeup artistry course interview - should i take a portfolio?

    well, the question is in the title, really. i recently applied for this course - and have an interview on the 1st of march. this is the only place i could find in scotland that does the kind of things i love, all the colleges near me mostly do...
  2. snowberries

    These are fake, right? Eyeshadows with numbers

    I just found this person on ebay selling what looks to be fake MAC eyeshadows - I compared the pictures to a genuine counter bought shadow, and the hinge looks different, along with the rim outside the pan on the bottom being slightly different...
  3. snowberries

    Ordering from the London pro store by phone

    Helloo, I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences with ordering pro products from the London store by phone. I'm in Edinburgh and neeeeed so many things from the pro store, but going down there just for that isn't really an option. I was given the phone number by one of the people in...