Recent content by valley

  1. valley

    My casual Friday work face

    here's what I used- mostly MAC though you cant tell partly because of my glasses and partly because I'm too cheap to care about my camera bare canvas paint golden olive pigment goldenaire vanilla pigment gorgeous gold boot black liquid liner jane clubbing maybelline full n soft select tint...
  2. valley

    .......anybody ever use silver CCB?

    LOL.. ok so I've been bored most of the day at work and I spotted this silver ccb on ebay this morning. I went back near the end of the bid, after checking out all the bad reviews on MUA and nobody bid it. So, I'm like what the heck... $3.99.... why not. The real question is, anybody ever...
  3. valley

    My little slice of heaven...

    I realized once I upload the pics to my computer that my camera was on it's 'cheap ass picture' small setting, so its pretty bad. But I'm lazy. So, this is what I've accumulated since about January. It's small compared to all the others, but large enough for me... except that I need more...
  4. valley

    American/Canadian MAC websites

    OK, so I've been strategically planning on buying the things I feel I cant live without MAC-wise.. (I'm a university doesn't grow on trees..sigh). I'm at my parents house for the summer, meaning no MAC connections whatsover...seriously here. It's a good 9 hours away. Anyways, I...
  5. valley

    Aaand I'm new too!

    I figured that maybe becoming a member would be the next step for me...since I've been checking these forums pretty often now. so hello