Recent content by xNeurocancer

  1. xNeurocancer

    Is it possible to dye over Indigo?

    So I dyed my hair with the 'henna' from & to be quite honest i'm sick of smelling like a tramp whilst dying it & it's just becoming too tedious, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a way to dye over it because i've heard it's impossible. Fankooo xx
  2. xNeurocancer

    Fantasy MAC Wishlist!

    What would you like MAC to create? I would love a Veluxe Pearl black eyeshadow! Your turn
  3. xNeurocancer

    First FOTD! Black tied, Woodwinked & Choc brown

    Woo first FOTD! I'm so nervous xD ( If the 3rd pic is hug, it should resize itself soon ) Here is what I used: All M-A-C unless stated otherwise. Base: Prep + Prime The Body Shop Foundation shade 3 & Powder Vanilla Pigment Eye: Phloof! ES as Highlight Woodwinked ES Chocolate Brown pigment...
  4. xNeurocancer

    Hello everyone :)

    Hi there! My name is Demi, im not 'new' to these forums as such but I thought I should say hello I love looking at all the FOTD's on here & just generally lurking, there is so much talent! Anyways, I'm 15 years old, A M-A-C lover (when I have spare cash, which is hardly ever!) and I look...