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  1. mindlessgapgirl

    Charmed Eyeshadow?

    Hopefully this hasn't been posted somewhere else but I can't find it anywhere. I was supposed to swap for Overgrown eyeshadow, and the girl sent me "Charmed" (Matte) by accident. Has anyone ever heard of this? The box doesn't look like a normal MAC box and I'm wondering if it's a fake! Any help...
  2. mindlessgapgirl

    i need some motivation!!!

    so i went out last friday night, and saw the pictures the next day and uuugh i looked awful! so i decided to take my lazy butt to Curves and sign up...I was a member 2 years ago, and lost over 20 pounds in 2 months (but i was on a strict diet!) but I had to cancel my membership when my ex and I...
  3. mindlessgapgirl

    this is long...

    ...but i need to get it off my chest and get some opinions so that i can make sure i am making the right decision. my mom and dad got divorced when i was 4 (im 24), and both remarried...they remained friends and attended each others weddings, my mom supported my dad through his second wife's...