Search results

  1. Danfanny

    Help! stopping foundation from creasing

    i am at my wits end i have tried everything that i can possibly think of to stop my foundation from gathering in the crease from my nose to my mouth when i am talking or smiling i get so paranoid about it i try not to smile and talk without realy moving my mouth and i look a right imbesile ahah...
  2. Danfanny

    UDPP bizare question

    this could sound actually rediculous and if it is feel free to shun me hahaa could UDPP be used on expression lines to stop foundations and concealers from creasing and gathering in expression lines? i have a really bad problem of my foundation gathering in the lines from my nose to my mouth...
  3. Danfanny

    MAC wipes or baby wipes?

    i have been using MAC wipes for ages and i do love them and they get all my makeup of soo well but the are soo expensive for the amount of time they last me. and when i have been out of them and i havent had time to go and get some i have used a family members cheap face wipes maybe they are...
  4. Danfanny

    Smashbox in the UK??

    hey i was just wondering if there is anywhere within the uk that stocks smashbox really wanting to get my hands on some of the photofinish green corrector primer if you get help it would be really good, exhausted trawling so many uk makeup sites haha thanks