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  1. MacArtistFauryn

    Question about what you really think when shopping at MAC

    Hey everyone! I applied for a position that would mean a promotion, and my interview is next week.... I am preparing for my interview and I need your help... Tell me two or three things that you like/dislike about the staff when visiting a MAC store/counter.... (I'm really trying to hear...
  2. MacArtistFauryn

    Fafi Eye Quad 2 tuturial

    Hey I did a tuturial for the 2nd quad in the Fafi collection... This is for those of you who weren't sold on this quad by looking at it. It has become my favorite! enjoy. YouTube - Fafi Eyes 2
  3. MacArtistFauryn

    MAC Fafi Tutorial

    Hey I decided to do a tuturial for MAC's new color story FAFI! This is for those of you who were curious as to how some of these products are going to look... Be nice this was my first tuturial - and I got a little chatty so I had to REALLY edit the video Enjoy! YouTube - MAC...