Question about what you really think when shopping at MAC


Active member
Hey everyone!

I applied for a position that would mean a promotion, and my interview is next week....
I am preparing for my interview and I need your help...

Tell me two or three things that you like/dislike about the staff when visiting a MAC store/counter....

(I'm really trying to hear about the dislikes if you have any - but if you don't that is fine!)

Thanks in advance for your help and keep your fingers crossed for me!


Well-known member
The music's too loud and the store's too hot. Those are ever my only two complaints.


Well-known member
I like how the staff are willing to help you out for an hour trying to find the perfect shade of red lipstick, lipglass, foundation, whatever. They are really helpful.

I definately agree with Shimmer, the flourescents are really hot. My mall has 2 Macys mac counters split up into mens macys and womens macys at opposite ends of the mall. i always have to go to the mens one because there arn't any flourescents and its way smaller.

The Prices really irk me, but i've gotten over that.


Well-known member
I really like when a m/a is excited about what they are doing, and helpful without being overbearing. I love when a m/a is friendly and gives great tips! Being polite/friendly will definitely make me want to buy more! I also dislike how hot it gets, and being rushed. I'm not a person who will stay forever, but I do like to look around/test things before I purchase them. Luckily I feel I have one of the best Mac counters in my area (that I've been to), so I feel really grateful about that!

Good luck to you


Well-known member
You should probably check out one of the threads about people's experiences at MAC counters/stores. I know there is a lot of info there.


Well-known member
This goes for Macy's at the two big malls on Oahu, Queen Kaahummanu Center Macy's on Maui and the two "freestanding" stores in the malls on Oahu and the Nordstroms and NM's- no MUA over age 40. This goes for the "freestanding" store in Honolulu -too loud music (I have to shout or pass notes) and too little clothing on the attendents. I mean visible cleavage, shorty short skirts with fishnets. The Ala Moana store has flourescant lights like most offices, but the back end of the store has alternating lighting of fushia, teal, and blue. Its hard to dab on a colour without looking in the mirror and thinking eew/


Well-known member
two of the things i dislike are being rushed/pressured into making a decision.. and also when a MA seems like they are free, for example asking me if i've made a decision yet, then when i say what i'm gonna buy they're like, ok well let me finish up with this person then i'll get back to you. then they end up having to ask again. i understand that this is so i dont feel neglected, but maybe they could just say "ill be with you after i finish with her" or something.


Well-known member
the only mac artist i have met in person (its -always- the same girl, and shes always alone, its a wonder hardly anything goes missing since the counter ain't small!) is really nice, most of the time. When i went in to chat with ehr about fafi we talked for like 10 minutes and we were both all squealy and excited. i like people who you can have really cool conversations with like that! get into it! ahaha.

But you can really tell when she's not in a good mood, because hse answers in monosyllabes, usually and just sort of points to products and reluctantly shows you if you ask.
When she's in a bad mood i run away downstairs to inglot.


Well-known member
I personally find MA's to patronise me a little, I'm not sure why, maybe because I don't wear MU when shopping for MU (especially since I'm in the market for a foundation). Maybe it's just MA's in my city lol... everybody on here is lovely.
I think just be yourself, give the customer space but make sure if they need help you're there.


Active member
When I go to other counters that I frequent often, people know that I don't like to "be sold" anything... don't push sales goals on me (or make me feel like you need me to buy more for your goal)... however, if you tell me about your favorites and I can feel the passion you truly have with that product... I will buy it every single time!!!
Good luck and let us know how you do!!!


Well-known member
I love going to MAC, i enjoy talking to the MA's but i really really hate it when they try to push me to buy things just so that they reach their sales goal. Once they reach it they are not friendly anymore and they just want to get you out of the door. They can show me that they are not pushing me to buy something by being motivated and excited about the product and showing me way of how to apply it and what suits it.

Growing Wings

Well-known member
I have been to two different stores for my MAC. The one I usually go to, the MAs are fantastic. I always feel like they know exactly what they're talking about, and whenever I ask for advice on new colours they always manage to find just what I'm looking for.

However, the other store I went to, I felt like they just couldn't be bothered, and that they weren't really sure what they're talking about. And I had to approach the MA for help, even though she wasn't actually doing anything at the time. Needless to say it put me off getting my MAC there.

Like others have mention, I hate the way that it's always so hot. I feel like I must look a state after being there for 5mins!


Well-known member
If you do not know something please just say so. I dislike when you ask an MA a question and you can just see they are talking out their ass and do not know what they are saying or you ask for a product and they spend 10 minutes looking for it instead of taking one second to ask someone that may know. If you are new that is OK, just please ask for help when you need it!


Active member
In edinburgh (the store I go to) the musics far too loud , It gets hectically busy, gets clammy and sometimes with all thats going on the MA's forget your there. Although they are very polite, and helpfull they seem to want to get you out the door ASAP by spending alot of money too. I once phoned to make a £400 order so that i could go collect it the next day , gave the girl my phone number to phone me back and she didnt cal me till next day at closing time
I ended up ordering off the website because it happened the day after too.


Well-known member
My experiences from my most recently visited counters/stores:

Counter in Salem, NH: There is one MA who always seems to act like everyone is beneath him and he is doing you a big old favor by even answering your questions. The other MAs are AWESOME there. My two favorites show a true passion and seem to really to like showing you the products and new ways to use them.

f/s store in Burlington, MA: LOVE the MAs here. All of them are always very happy to help. My only semi-pet peeve is that because they know I will be buying there (pro card), some of them will ask me to "hold a minute" while they help a walk-in. Sometimes it doesn't bother me at all (because I do tend to spend 45-60 minutes in there, resulting in about $250-$450 after discount), but it does bother me when I am just about finishing up and then I have to wait for them to finish with someone who may or may not buy a foundation so that I can get my last two items and checkout.

f/s store in Farmington, CT: went here for the first (and probably last) time two weeks ago. The music was TOO loud; I couldn't hear my total. It was also too hot. The staff was indifferent and disinterested. The store was smaller than the Macy's counter (not the staff's fault). But there were about 5 MAs (one was doing a MU application) and no other customers (me & the woman getting MU application). *I* had to go ask one of them for help; then the girl disappeared for over 5 minutes; not a super long time, but where did she go? On this particular trip, I had a list and just needed to rattle them off; and it still took me over 30 minutes(!) (staff's fault) for me to get my products and check out. The manager came out to help the girl at the register at one point, and he didn't even make any eye contact or say anything. I think it is a good example of how the manager sets the tone for the service provided at a store or counter.


Well-known member
i hate when makeup artist are snobby and when you suggest something instead of putting their input and nicely saying that does/does not work they just look at you like you are crazy. what i do like is when they make eye contact and smile, when they are nice and make suggestions like if you get an eye shadow what looks best with it, also when they are interested in helping you not trying to get away from you. Im sure you will do great at your interview. Good luck!!!
Haha.. weeelllll.. I love MAC lip products, and the few cool people at the pro store. But aside from that.. most of the MUAs are so snotty. I get dirty looks whenever I walk in there cause I'm not gorgeous and wearing ten tons of makeup. If I just need some basic refills, I skip the drama and just go to a counter where it's quieter and while the MUAs are a bit more ignorant (meh, I know what I'm getting when I go in anyway), they're a lot friendlier and give me awesome sample pots of pigments. (not just a teensy scoop, but a half filled sample jar)
I find though that a big drawback is that they don't consider being a trained MUA to be an essential to get hired, and so the employees often learn to pride themselves on being able to BS their way through a sale (ie: of COURSE you don't look orange! or No no, Studio FIX is designed for every day use!)


Well-known member
I'm going to say it straight up...I can't stand the PRO store at South Coast because with the exception of one MU...most MUs are super snotty and act as if we should be thankful they're helping us.

One of the things I can't stand is when employees are either visibly or audibly complaining about their work day, or bitching to each other about what just happened with so and so customer. I also get annoyed when they're chatting away like they're on their lunch break. Even if it isn't busy, act like you are.

One time...while getting my makeover, the MU walked away to get a color, and stopped on her tracks to have a full on conversation with another... so rude!


Well-known member
I like how if I say I don't need help and then I'm looking for a while, they check back on me unobtrusively to make sure I'm still alright.

I don't like that it seems like maybe the MAs aren't taught about some new items like they could be. When I was making a Heatherette purchase and then returning something, it took a little while because the MA didn't know the names of of the products and she made the remark to another MA that "they" never teach them the names of the products or something to that effect. This inconveniences me because it takes longer for her to find the item on my receipt and I'm trying to help her from over the counter. It inconveniences MAC b/c the line of customers is growing longer. Also, there has been a number of times that I'll ask for something and the wrong product will be placed on the counter and if I hadn't noticed, I would have gone home with the wrong product. (this has happened with both new and old items so idk) At first, I thought the MA was just silly, but if that's true about them not being fully schooled on the products like the MA said, then I can understand how this could happen.