Question about what you really think when shopping at MAC


Well-known member
4 me its just that im too busy,rushy feeling. hello? im about to drop 200$ on freaking makeup lol but i know they can't help being busy. its nice whenever an employee will take the time to tell u theyll be with u next and make eye contact with u atleast.


Well-known member
The girls at my counter are always very helpful, and the only problem I have with them (it turns out all my friends think this too) is their makeup is never nice! Even my boyfriend agreed. Most of them wear neutral e/s with crooked liner every time I'm there. Aren't they supposed to make people want to look like them? Because I sure don't. There was one girl I saw there who looked amazing and she was really nice, but I think she was a freelancer because that was the only time I saw her. The area I live in is pretty fashion challenged


Well-known member
I most frequently get annoyed with the customers in MAC! I hate when people are like hovering over the whole eyeshadow display and don't make room so you can look to. I find that really rude...just move aside a step!!

What annoys me at the counters in Switzerland is that they won't have testers or some things. This doesn't happen a lot but it has happened to me. So it's like, you try it, you buy it. What's the point of that? Sometimes they don't have all the products on display either, so who the heck is going to buy something they can't see? I often have to ask for lesser selling products, like the time I wanted to buy Flammable paint. It was kept in some drawer somewhere. I'm sure I was the only customer in that store who knew about this product!


Well-known member
i recently visited the paddington pro store and was completely and totally ignored by every single employee in the store.
and i can't even put it down to wearing not much makeup- because I'd just had a full makeover from benefit!

i waited for almost 5 minutesby the counter with a couple of pigments in my hand- TO BUY THEM! and no one even glanced at me

i just got totally pissed off and put the pigments down on the counter and left. way to lose a sale girls.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
I personally find MA's to patronise me a little, I'm not sure why, maybe because I don't wear MU when shopping for MU (especially since I'm in the market for a foundation). Maybe it's just MA's in my city lol... everybody on here is lovely.
I think just be yourself, give the customer space but make sure if they need help you're there.


You know... I was wondering about this. I (almost never) wear makeup when shopping for makeup and when I haul from MAC...I follow the mantra "go big or go home". I worry that the MUAs at the counters I've been to think I've got some sort of problem.

Admittedly... with all the makeup I buy I probably do have some sort of problem..


Well-known member
MAC f/s store in Fair Oaks Mall, VA:
This is the one I visit the most frequently. My first visit there four years ago, the MA was totally rude and acted like she didn't want to be bothered. She mismatched my foundation and when I told her I wasn't pleased with it, she got nasty about it. They weren't even that busy and she was rushing myself and other customers around. I haven't seen her since and I have only dealt with two other artists there, who have always been extremely helpful and willing to put up with me while I go in there and buy about 10 different things, LOL. I do agree, it does get hot in there.

Macy's MAC counter in Tysons Corner Mall, VA:
I have only visited this counter twice and I totally disliked both visits. My good friend and I went together and the MA I had did Fluidline for me when I first got into it 2 years ago and she rushed me through it, so the application looked really bad. She just rushed me around in general and I didn't like it. The MA that my friend had went slow and was very helpful, answering both of our questions. Everytime I've been to that particular counter, they are always crazy busy.


Well-known member
I love when the artists are friendly and talk and joke around. But when they just follow you around and not help you at all (and when you ask questions they'll give you half-assed answers), I find that SO annoying.