Does anyone ever feel like getting rid of everything?


Well-known member
Hello! I was not sure where to post this, but I really need some help.

It seems like my collection is growing (which I love) as my family's annoyance to my hobby is growing too.

I have 18 eyeshadows, 6 lipglasses, 2 lipsticks, one liner, one concealer and one blush from MAC.

I have about 15 other products from other companies. My mom suggests I sell a big portion of it....and just keep what I "need". I agree with her, but then I feel as if I am parting with a best friend.

So, if you have any words of wisdom,

And, if you ever felt as if you needed to get rid of your collection or have a story similar to mine, share!


Well-known member
I don't think I can help you much. My mom also doesn't think I need all of the stuff I have but I enjoy having a wide assortment and being able to have so much to choose from depending on what strikes me that day. The only items I'd get rid of are ones that don't work for me (if there is a certain colour or finish you hate) then I'd sell those. But for me, I wouldn't sell just because I have too much. A lot of this stuff can last quite a while (ie powders) so I don't worry about having a few palettes.


Well-known member
Aww no I've never felt like that, I live with my boyfriend and he's pretty happy with my erm, hobby!

I think you should keep your collection (it's not that large anyway imo), maybe just check through and anything old or that you know you won't use then get rid or it but do it for YOU. Not because others don't understand your love of cosmetics.


Well-known member
The only time the thought of selling off occurs to me is when I see all the new stuff and think "if only I didn't already have so much, I could really go crazy with all this new stuff!". On the bright side, the amount of stuff in my train case does make me spend more cautiously as to not end up with too much duplication.

If you're using everything you've got, then I see no reason to sell anything.


What I would do is like , go through the stuff you have and honestly, pick out some things you really dont use. I know recently I went through my cosmetics, and I forgot I had some stuff that I forgot I had even bought (still used and un opened ofcourse) , and sell it on EBAY!


Well-known member
My family thinks I am sick. lol Sometimes it makes me sick too and I wish to sell it all but I have so much that I want to keep if I ever become a freelance artist. It all looks too pretty to give away. I do sit down at times and pick out what I don't need or even use and try to sell it or give it away.
If you think that is too much you should see what I have! I have about 20 lipglasses, 50 depotted shadows, 30 lipsticks, and a numerous of other products from other makeup brands all in a 4 drawer storage cart.
My bf just laughs at my newly founded hobby but lil does he know what his girl is up to these days. lol


Well-known member
People collect the weirdest stuff. A lot of times it isn't even useful! My great grandma had a massive (I mean, took up every space on her walls) collection of salt and pepper shakers. What's so bad about collecting make-up? You're still using it right?


Well-known member
Sometimes I feel like that because I feel as though I have an addiction and getting rid of it will help me break it...if that makes sense? Compared to mine, your collection is not really that bad! My collection annoys my father the most, and my sister somewhat, probably because I always wander/drag her with me to the makeup sections at ANY store, and I occasionally use her as a "bank" when I don't have the cash on me. My mother...can't comprehend it, but never actually says anything to me.

But then, I think how much I love it and how I like to experiment with color and just all the fun I have with it. It is not hurting anybody, so I see no reason to get rid of it. I try not to encrouch on other people's interests, so I try to do that whole "karma" thing.

For the most part, I've decided to go on a no-buy (with the exception of needs, like mascara) until Naughty Nauticals, just to see how much I really do use. Maybe try just using what you think you "need" for a while and see if you really want the rest. When I was going through that transitional phase of getting rid of my stuffed animals (never a Barbie girl, but these were my thing!), we put them in bags and then into storage, so I wasn't exactly getting rid of them. About a year later we took them out, and it made Good Will-ing a whole lot easier.

But really, I think you shouldn't get rid of anything! Maybe just try not to buy anything for a while, or do the "out of sight, out of mind" thing!

Good luck!
I feel your pain, my boyfriend thinks I'm insane for my mac obsession.. but he's slowly learning to accept it.

I drive him crazy with it though, thank god he doesn't know how much I've spent on it in the last two months!

Don't sell anything just yet. If you think there are shadows or anything you're not using frequently, set them aside. If you find yourself reaching for them, keep them. If not, sell them.

...If it makes you feel any better I've spent over $600 on MAC since the middle of February. I have a 15 pan palette that's only got two empty spots, probably about 15 lipsticks/lipglasses [I should point out that lots are dupes haha I'm in love with Bonus Beat & Lollipop Loving, so I have 4 of BB and 3 of LL], 9 full sized pigments, 5 small samples, one half-jar in a massive sample jar, shadesticks, mascaras... honestly, it's sick. And I just keep buying more.

Yes, they may be annoyed but it's your money, your face, & you sound like you are enjoying your MAC!


Well-known member
I think I get what you're saying...

For me, I like having a lot of makeup products and I like looking at my collection grow.. I don't just want to wear one lipstick or lipgloss and wear one eyeshadow combo everyday for the rest of my life. Whenever I see my collection, I feel like an artist and I like playing with the stuff that I have
So maybe if you get that feeling of wanting to get rid of everything, you should experiment and do a new look with the stuff that you own already..

However, if you really don't like a certain product and you don't think you'll ever use it again, then I think that's when you should sell it.

Anyway, I hope that helps a little bit... I know what you mean, if I was asked to give up my makeup collection, I would feel like I'm losing a friend.. xD


Well-known member
I have 101 eyeshadows, 10 paint pots, 18 lipsticks, 39 lipglasses, 18 Blushes (to name some) and a multitude of more numbers.
I have spent $6000+ on MAC since april 07 and I don't even do it for a living, it's merely a glamour thing, a pseudo-freelance thing, and a collecting thing.
My mother thinks I'm insane for owning that much (I think that she's just mad that her Corduroy and Shroom e/s, Love Nectar l/g, Margin Blush, and 168 and 239 Brushes started my collection)

I have so much stuff that isn't used on a reg basis and to sell some would make me a millionaire.. not to mention storing it all is damn near impossible.. but it's hard to just bite the bullet and sell things.

My advice: buy what you love, love what you buy, wear it like you invented it, and NEVER underestimate your skill, beauty, or your dream. Even the most beautiful flowers still grow from dirt.


Well-known member
Yeah, I know how you feel too. I don't think you should get rid of your stuff though. It's not that much. However, be very choosy about what you buy from now one. Or at least put limits on your buying, say for example don't buy another blush until you've used up the one you have...etc. It's easier said than done, but can help keep your collection and feelings of being overwhelmed under control.

Good luck, whatever you decide!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
What? It kinda hurt me to read your post. I mean does it make you happy? How can your mom not understand and accept it if it makes you happy? I dunno my mom is a hair/makeup freak like I am too. My collection is a little bigger than yours and I recently threw some old stuff out from high school but it hurts because i had "memories" with them haha. Like you said: like parting with a friend.

Hopefully my mom doesn't think I'm spending too much. I mean have you cut back in other areas to supplement for how much you have? For example, I cut back in buying clothes (The whole A&F company is my downfall haha) to buy more makeup because I mean I have so much clothes that I can't wear all the time but I can wear makeup everyday!

So anyway maybe you guys can make a compromise? It's not really that much. I read in another thread you were thinking about the getting rid of your quads to get the 15? It's so worth it, omg I made so much space from depotting my eyeshadows. Tell your mom about that, about if you do get a little out of hand you will purchase the storage and maintain it. It's like taking on a responsibility, and parents love it when we take on responsibilities haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tashona Heléna
What? It kinda hurt me to read your post. I mean does it make you happy? How can your mom not understand and accept it if it makes you happy? I dunno my mom is a hair/makeup freak like I am too. My collection is a little bigger than yours and I recently threw some old stuff out from high school but it hurts because i had "memories" with them haha. Like you said: like parting with a friend.

Hopefully my mom doesn't think I'm spending too much. I mean have you cut back in other areas to supplement for how much you have? For example, I cut back in buying clothes (The whole A&F company is my downfall haha) to buy more makeup because I mean I have so much clothes that I can't wear all the time but I can wear makeup everyday!

So anyway maybe you guys can make a compromise? It's not really that much. I read in another thread you were thinking about the getting rid of your quads to get the 15? It's so worth it, omg I made so much space from depotting my eyeshadows. Tell your mom about that, about if you do get a little out of hand you will purchase the storage and maintain it. It's like taking on a responsibility, and parents love it when we take on responsibilities haha.

Well, my mom just kind of ignores my hobby, and yes I do love it. It really makes me happy.
A couple of minutes ago I wanted to show her this color.....but I do not think she wants to see makeup anymore.
Nope, I have not cut back in any area in order to get makeup.
Yes, I do now have one 15 palette, rather than quads.
I think I am keeping some things, but selling some too. I went through my collection to see what I have not touches (which was hard).

Thanks for your opinion!


Well-known member
See about a year ago, I decided to pitch everything that I wasn't really using-it was pretty much all drugstore cosmetics-and I felt a lot better because then I was getting down to the bare essentials. Now I am building up my collection again, and it's not as much as I used to have but I'm trying to make sure that I don't get too many dupes. I also used to be a person who if I went a day without makeup, so what...not anymore. The makeup is motivation to have full eyes done every single day. Not to mention working in retail with a dress code of black or white tops and black or khaki bottoms means I need something to stand out! (the customers absolutely love, love, love it)

I guess I am lucky because my mum was the one who got me into expensive makeup, she'd get me a Lancome shadow or two on special occasions and I'd pillage her makeup baskets for little Defencils I can show her my new stuff. She did cosmetics way back in another generation.


Well-known member
If your family thinks you have too much makeup, that's their opinion... everyone, everyone, has things in life that they love, what we love among other things is makeup! it's our art, its what makes us feel good, it's what we choose to spend our money on. Theres no reason why we all shouldnt be able to enjoy our interest and hobby to the fullest =) Im sure your parents have things they love, like books, cooking, sewing, drawing, writing, art etc... if you feel like you should get rid of some of it, then definitely do what feels right, but never give up something you love because someone else has a problem with it, thats their problem, not yours =) <3 good luck!


Well-known member
and to add onto that last post, I have 59 eyeshadows... don't feel bad for indulging in what makes you happy =) it's creativity, its our art!


Well-known member
I don't think you should 'cut back' as in bother to sell some of it. That money has already been spent and you obviously choose those items for a reason. If anything, just don't buy as much but I think ultimately the other girls are right - you need to be happy and embrace what you love to do. Makeup is art. It is a form of creativity. Just because your mother doesn't realize the full extent of it doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy doing it! Now, if we were talking shooting up heroine that'd be a different story... LOL


Well-known member
My dad thinks I'm "sick" because I have so much stuff... but then again if I had 10 things he would think the same... My mom is annoyed if I leave it all over the house or alarm everyone that my eyelash curler is missing (lol, this happened once, I refused to go to work with my uncurled lashes) but they would never ask me to get rid of it... They know I love it and it makes me happy...