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COONTAILS ! A guide on how to put these babies in your hair...


Well-known member
Oh, raccoon tails!

I was about to come up in here with my unused Afro pick and Sistah Solja fist ready to go.


Well-known member
i wanted to do this b4 but it seemed so hard thinking of ways to do it. but luckily u made this but im sorta late on this because i dyed my hair pitch black =[


Well-known member
Thanks guys


Well-known member
Fantastic! Hope this doesnt seem like copycatting but I loved it, I took your picture to the hairdresser a couple of weeks ago! Haha, I didn't realise you didnt it so easily!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ithica
Fantastic! Hope this doesnt seem like copycatting but I loved it, I took your picture to the hairdresser a couple of weeks ago! Haha, I didn't realise you didnt it so easily!

Oh no no, not at all! That's what the tut is here for, for other people to replicate the look

How did the hair dresser replicate it!? I'm actually really interested in knowing.


Well-known member
Well tbh she had never done anything like it before, she used like a large thick brush like you'd use for.. i dunno applying dye I suppose, instead of tape (i'd never have thought of that! :p) she did a strip of bleach then below that a strip of conditioner to stop it leaking or w/e, Your idea seems alot less hassley!


Active member
as we speak im sat here with plum coloured hair dye on and im so pleased i have a black to try this with later - thanks for a great tut you are so pretty x


Well-known member
great idea! and you made it look so easy...id try it but my hair is chin legnth now..

and you DO look like nicole ritchie!


Well-known member
Very cool but I think my principal would freak if I showed up at work like this
I'm a teacher. I love your makeup in these pics too.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!

I looove funky hair, but I know it can be hard to sport in the work place lol
It's cruel :p


Wow...*looks down at her fading blue-black hair* I need to re-dye this and do that...maybe some bright blue in the coontails would look good against the dark blue...cool tutorial! Thanks!


New member
Oh, this is fantastic!
I've been looking for a way to achieve this look.
I'm going to try this in the next few days!


Well-known member
Awww this is ADORABLE. I'm desperate to do this, but the only reason I might not is because of the bleach. I really don't want to bleach my hair but I know that I would have to because my hair is super dark.
It looks great on you though!