What Disco'd product do you miss the most and why?


Well-known member
mostly blushes like emote, strada, perfect cheek, nuance, etc

and I reaaally hope MACxRiri bad girl lipstick makes a comeback it was such a beautiful shade and I have not found a good dupe that is close only halfway to it but still not a single one in MAC's permanent line though :'(


Well-known member
Ostentatious Fluidline. It went really well with my hazel eyes an pale complexion. Most eyeliners look really harsh on me or clash. Club as a liner is the closest thing I've found to this, but it will never quite measure up.


Well-known member
Yes, Tete a Tint is one of the Matte2 eyeshadows, it’s so pretty!

I just went on eBay today and bought Typographic. I can’t find a dupe, ugh! Luckily eBay was offering a $10 coupon today so I jumped on it lol


Well-known member
Mac hodgepodge lip liner is my all time favorite brown liner. Idk why they stopped. Ive been holding on to the last one i have for a long time still trying to find a dupe!