My MAC Collection (LOTS of pics!!)


Well-known member
Falls dead. Thump! Its more than the MAC counter where I stay! {Deviously planning to steal your collection} Heh.


Well-known member
That is one. big. ass. collection. Wow. I love everything! I'm especially envious of all of those DC piggies! Damn.


Well-known member
ive looked at your collection like 20 times now... i must say i get more and more jealous everytime i look


Well-known member
FUUUCKSAKES! i think i went cross eyed looking at all this makeup....THIS IS AMAZING, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!! <3


I don't mean this as a judgment, but I really wonder why with collections of this size. By looking at your pics, it appears that only 5-7 blushes/es have been used, as well as a handful of paints.

What do you get out of owning this much MU? Just the pleasure of acquiring a collection? I honestly would like to know.

[Yes, other posters, I know that people can do whatever they want with their $$ and time.]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sassenach
I don't mean this as a judgment, but I really wonder why with collections of this size. By looking at your pics, it appears that only 5-7 blushes/es have been used, as well as a handful of paints.

What do you get out of owning this much MU? Just the pleasure of acquiring a collection? I honestly would like to know.

[Yes, other posters, I know that people can do whatever they want with their $$ and time.]

Well, I'd probably answer with, look one more time
. Maybe it's the angle of the pictures (for the 15 pans at least) but with exception to the palette with the pro colors (which I just got less than a month ago) Just about every one of my eye shadows have been used. Every one of the MAC quads have been used. Granted, not down to the pan but they most definitely have been used. I've also been through quite a few shadows and had to replace them. Same with the blushes, I just purchased the palette with the pro blushes (mostly for the stage because they are so bright) in Vegas with the pro e/s palette. But EVERY other blush has been used. Why do I buy back-ups? because I know one day I'll want something and I refuse to pay over retail (on ebay or wherever) on something I could have gotten on my own at regular (or a discounted) price. I've paid over retail for one thing (a pigment and it was $30, so less that what a pigment costs in some countries) everything else I've gotten at retail or below. My pleasureflush was bought at a CCO for $15.75, my Riot e/s $15 on ebay. And again, look one more time at the pic with the paints, only one (and that is bamboo which I purchased for my sister's show maybe two weeks ago-I used it on a client at work and thought it would look great on my sister) have NOT been used. Everything else has. I didn't post pics of some of the other stuff I have that is on it's last leg and just an application or two away from being B2M'ed. I have an entire drawer waiting to be recycled.

The reason behind the make-up? I do make-up for various theatre groups, and dance studios. My sister has been a dancer almost 10 years and that's when I started getting into MAC. I use a lot of make-up and have for many years. I've had to replace many things because of her performances over the years and having to do every child in the groups make-up the same so they matched at competitions and recitals. I've also done a few weddings, proms and various make-up jobs for music majors at my university for recitals. So depending on what the client wants, that's what I use.

Sometimes I find a product doesn't really work out for me but because I work for an E.L. company I cannot sell my items. I also have a Pro card, so again I cannot re-sell my items. I have been known to give close personal friends make-up when I just can't get it to work for me, but I usually find some good use for it, with the variety/types of jobs I do
. I've also done RAOK here and on LJ, sending off pigment samples when people got scammed.

Another thing is I cannot wear limited stuff to work, I have to wear whatever collection is out or permanent stuff at work. On my days off (when I feel like wearing makeup-which I'll admit, sometimes I don't) I usually get use out of my limited stuff. And before I worked for E.L I worked for Chanel, I could only wear my muted MAC colors to work because I was supposed to be wearing Chanel make-up, which sucked, lol. I also work in an office environment and I work with kids, so make-up varies for me day-to-day.

What do I get out of owning all this make-up? It makes me happy. It's not just the pleasure of acquiring a collection. I've been into MAC for over 10 years. I've never touched drugs in my life. I don't spend money gambling at the casinos or on on Lotto. I make a decent living working up to 3 jobs a year (not including freelancing on my own) and I feel if this is what I want to spend my money on, so be it. I'm not stingy with my make-up. My mother and sister use it constantly. And I have another little sister who will most definitely start helping herself when she becomes of age, she already tries!
I like make-up. I LOVE make-up. I love doing it on myself as well as other people. I like the way it makes me feel and the way it makes others feel after I've applied it on them.

If you don't think I use my make-up look at my profile and look at the threads started by me, 90% of those are FOTD. I don't post every time I do make-up either. The make-up gets used, trust me. Maybe not to your likings or standards but it gets used.

I know it's a long response but I wanted to answer your question thoroughly
. Any other questions, let me know


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sassenach
I don't mean this as a judgment, but I really wonder why with collections of this size. By looking at your pics, it appears that only 5-7 blushes/es have been used, as well as a handful of paints.

What do you get out of owning this much MU? Just the pleasure of acquiring a collection? I honestly would like to know.

[Yes, other posters, I know that people can do whatever they want with their $$ and time.]

this came off a teensy bit rude to me, but i know you don't have ill intentions.

my mother noticed that i started wanting everything MAC sells, but we all have our own reasons.

my mother was telling me "For personal use, you don't need that much, because it will all go bad before you use it all up. there are people otu there who have a lot because it is their profession. many artists require a lot because of the diversity in people and the different looks that people want. professional artists also cant dip directly into the product so they have to take some out onto a sterile palette which uses up products very quickly than direct dipping."

what my mother says is very true. however, there are people like me that isn't quite as concerned about using it all up. we want variety and choices. we get pleasure in having different colours, textures, finishes, etc. some of us go nuts on backups in fear that our favourite products are gonna get used up and then its gone forever! although there are people who are in it for the novelty of collecting, but i think most of us enjoy variety and choices.


Well-known member
ambronee, i was looking at your collection again and i really like how you filed your compacts! that saves a ton of room! how or where did u get those perfect slots for the bronzers etc?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
ambronee, i was looking at your collection again and i really like how you filed your compacts! that saves a ton of room! how or where did u get those perfect slots for the bronzers etc?

I actually used the boxes they came in to store them. I cut them in half and taped them together so they wouldn't roll around in the drawers, I do that with most of the boxes from the products. I'm going to post a storage post really soon and I'll take pics of everything.
I do it this way so there is room to grow
and it's a cheap/free alternative to other makeup storage.

Also Thank You for the above, your mom sounds like a really cool lady! What she said is spot on. Also I agree with you about variety, it's nice to have big selection to work with, and it does help since most of my clients are vastly different from each other. Even between me (uber pale) my mom (darker olive toned) and my sister (caramel tan all around) our skin tones are just SO different, it's great to be able to have shades that fit all of us. So again, thank you, you are too sweet!


Well-known member
I just started doing that with my boxes, too. I might as well put the empty box stash to good use!


Well-known member
i have an empty box stash too LOL aw... i soo do not want to cut up my fafi boxes
its a great idea.. cutting up the boxes and taping them together. i will try it out hehe thanks!

my mom used to own several beauty salons and she worked as an esthetician so i guess thats why she can understand why many people have stashes of products. she has a stash of skincare stuff herself! i think it was also an attempt to pursuade me to stop buying MAC though. nice try mom... but... I won't stop because i cant stop! LOL

you are welcome ambonee, its nice to be thanked and im glad to be supporting you


Well-known member
i didnt want to cut up my fafi boxes so i used 1 box to make 2 slots and i love it! it didnt take long at all and its super cute and omg my face drawer has so much space now LOL i love it! although its kind of hard to see the products now, especially the msfs but i put it in an order that i will always remember! thanks for the great idea whoooo.. i have room for more now Haha... i have northern lights, warmed, and light flush on the way >=]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
however, there are people like me that isn't quite as concerned about using it all up. we want variety and choices. we get pleasure in having different colours, textures, finishes, etc. some of us go nuts on backups in fear that our favourite products are gonna get used up and then its gone forever! although there are people who are in it for the novelty of collecting, but i think most of us enjoy variety and choices.

That's it!

Ambonee, you have got a wonderful collection and I think that there is no need that you justify yourself for it

I don't pass one limited collection (that's the collector in me), but I buy just products that I like in color and texture and which I can use. I really like to experiment with different varieties - it would be so boring to wear the same look every day!
Who can say what is "enough"? Everyone should decide this on his own.
I know that my "end" of collecting still hasn't come...
(Other people collect stamps or whatever.)


Well-known member
There is one picture with the title
"Lip Conditioners/Tendertones/Petite Gloss/Shadebenders"

From which collection are the three last procucts with the "flowers" on them?
I know that they aren't available anymore, but they look lovely. I love these unique products.

And which was the first MAC collection you have bought?


Well-known member
Jebus! I think I´m in heaven (or hell because I can´t have it) I can´t even imagine the value of all that makeup!


Well-known member
If I had your collection I would seriously roll around in all of it every night before going to bed!! lol Sounds crazy but MAC makes you do crazy things