136 vs 150 - price


Well-known member
i own the 150 and i was looking through some of your stashes in the traincase and from what it seems, there isn't a huge difference between the two brushes besides maybe slightly different shape of brush (maybe i'm wrong) but why is the 136 so much more money than the 150??
i'm full of questions this week ^_^ tia!


Well-known member
In my opinion the 136 20x softer than the 150 maybe the hairs are different, maybe its harder to cut it into that style, i dunno.. Hopefully somebody who does know can answer.


Well-known member
I have the 150 and it's rough on my skin.

I am getting the 136 pretty soon. You can never have too many brushes!


Well-known member
hmm makes me think i should save up and get the 136! sounds wonderful ^_^ there are just so many brushes i want! i'm gonna go broke! lol who am i kidding, i'm already going broke buying all this other mac stuff! lol


Well-known member
i was wondering if any of you have pictures of the 136 brush? a friend gave me a 136 brush but i just have this weird feeling that its fake because i can't find it online! =[


Well-known member
I thought that the 136 was the dome-shaped brush from Sculpt & Shape but that is the 138. I am also interested if anyone has any pics!


Well-known member
I have the 136 and love it. I use it for blush, powder, to highlight...it's fantastic. And I haven't found that mine shed AT ALL!


Well-known member
Do you guys think the 136 brush is worth the money? I don't know whether I should get it or not..