:: $150 Haul ::

Life In Return

Well-known member
So... made my way to the MAC Pro store today. This is going to be it until my birthday, gosh. I just bought Nocturnelle, Expensive Pink, Steamy, and Orange eyeshadows Wednesday, and now today's haul was huge

Here is what I got:

Brush Cleanser
Select Cover Up NC42
Emerald Green pigment
Juiced eyeshadow
Aquavert eyeshadow
Chocolate Brown pigment
Goldmine eyeshadow
Azreal Blue pigment
Waternymph eyeshadow

Lots, yea... I am not going to go by MAC anytime soon! Birthday is in September, so I am waiting til then!



Well-known member
you got some great stuff
how well do you like the brush cleaner
never tried it brought some from Sephora and I don't like it at all

Life In Return

Well-known member
I haven't ever used it. I usually use one that I get from Sally's Beauty Supply, but it doesn't take much to use that whole bottle, so I figured this bottle was much bigger and only a few dollars more, so I figured hey