168 brush hairs sticking out?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kayteex023
I bought my 168 brush just yesterday and I noticed a few hairs sticking out when I first took it out of the plastic. I used it today, washed it, and it's not completely dry yet but I notice some more hairs sticking out.. not to the side, but length wise. Is this supposed to happen, or how do I fix it?

that is very strange. my one has hairs pinging out towards the sides no matter how i dry it. but nothing pings out upwards. are they loose hairs perhaps?most brushes shed a little when you wash them the first couple of times.


Well-known member
The same thing happend to me! I was so shocked, I have washed it 2-3 times, and now it's back to normal


Well-known member
Mine did as well when I first bought it but after washing, I put a Brush Guard on it and let it dry and nothing's sticking out now!