2 FOTDs..Humid/Club combo, & grey shimmers


Well-known member
Still learning...and loving it.

Here are some basic looks...hope you ladies like it =). Btw, if you're wondering why I never fully smile, it's because I have braces on. Also, when I smile all the way, my eyes virtually disappear and you can't see the work I did =)

Oooh...random note, I just bought the 223 brush, and I love it! For my eyes, its hard to blend the edges without messing up the rest of the eyeshadows since my eye canvas space is limited... 223 totally helps!

Face for both: Bare Minerals Foundation in light mineral veil, (Medium for contour), Clear Radiance all over face color

Green Look:


Paint Pot in Bare Study
Stila Kitten for highlight
E/S-Humid, Club, Gorgeous Gold & Carbon
Fluidline in Blacktrack
CG Lash Exact

Lingering Eye brow pencil thingy (MAC) (blended it with the 219 brush)

3N Lipstick
1N Lipgloss
Katie B Lip Liner in neutral

Gray Shimmery Look


Elegant Lashes (used half only)
Plush Lash Mascara

Paint Pot-Bare Study
Pink Venus
Fluidline in Blacktrack
Stila Smudgepot in Cobalt for lining bottom (mixed with blacktrack)

Ugh...don't mind them, I think I threw on brown NYC brow set from earlier in the day and never re did them properly.

1N Lip Gloss



Well-known member
Ooohh i love it..looking good!


Well-known member
sexy look! i especially love the first one.. how did you apply each e/s? i wanna try it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xoleaxo
sexy look! i especially love the first one.. how did you apply each e/s? i wanna try it!

Awww...thank you. I liked that one a lot better to0 and intended to post that one after, but I'm still new to photobucket.

But yeah..

I first applied the paint pot, then applied Kitten from the brow bone to the line of the crease. I then blended a layer of Humid from base of lid to just a little above the crease line. I then blended a couple of more layers of humid, 1 layer of club, 1 layer of humid again all over the lid. I finished it with applying a couple of layers of carbon from base of lid to about 2/3s of the lid..blending profusely. blacktrack fluidline totally helps finish the look if you line, and blend it with a 219 brush. Finally, I added gorgeous gold to the inner corners.

Lol....it's pretty simple, just trying to make my rookie skills seem complex =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Awww...thank you. I liked that one a lot better to0 and intended to post that one after, but I'm still new to photobucket.

But yeah..

I first applied the paint pot, then applied Kitten from the brow bone to the line of the crease. I then blended a layer of Humid from base of lid to just a little above the crease line. I then blended a couple of more layers of humid, 1 layer of club, 1 layer of humid again all over the lid. I finished it with applying a couple of layers of carbon from base of lid to about 2/3s of the lid..blending profusely. blacktrack fluidline totally helps finish the look if you line, and blend it with a 219 brush. Finally, I added gorgeous gold to the inner corners.

Lol....it's pretty simple, just trying to make my rookie skills seem complex =P

thanks girlie, i'll try it out & hope for the best.