2 more MSF's = 3 <3


Well-known member
Got my 3rd MSF today and the 2nd one yesterday.....so far I'm loving Petticoat and Naked You........2 more to go :-/




Well-known member
Originally Posted by allan_willb
dont you love them....oh yea and by the way that font is sick whats it from?

I was going to ask the same thing!
I LOVE that font!


Well-known member
i got my petticoat yesterday. i cant believe how versatile it is! definatel
y perfect for travelling as you can use it for eyes lips and blush!

today i used it on my cheeks, and used the paler pink as a wash over my lid and the darker veining on my inner corners. really pretty natural look. i love it! im rationing it so i dont use it up!

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
Originally Posted by pr1nces583
i got my petticoat yesterday. i cant believe how versatile it is! definatel
y perfect for travelling as you can use it for eyes lips and blush!

today i used it on my cheeks, and used the paler pink as a wash over my lid and the darker veining on my inner corners. really pretty natural look. i love it! im rationing it so i dont use it up!

these things are huge, it'll take you forever to use it up! I've been using my PP daily since january and the dome is just starting to disappear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cool Kitten
these things are huge, it'll take you forever to use it up! I've been using my PP daily since january and the dome is just starting to disappear.

thats good, im thinking of getting naked you or shimpagne too. maybe for my birthday in a couple of weeks. although for my birthday treat im going to london for a big haul!


Well-known member
If I don't get at least one MSF soon...I will die
They're beautiful! Where'd you get it?


Active member
Did you buy them at your local MAC store? I haven't checked any of the ones that are near me since I've been buying most of my makeup online. I'm so antisocial and never leave my house. *lol* People online seem to charge an arm and a leg for used MSF's so I'm hoping you'll say they can still be found in some stores.

I'd LOVE to get a Stereo Rose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by deveraux
Did you buy them at your local MAC store? I haven't checked any of the ones that are near me since I've been buying most of my makeup online. I'm so antisocial and never leave my house. *lol* People online seem to charge an arm and a leg for used MSF's so I'm hoping you'll say they can still be found in some stores.

I'd LOVE to get a Stereo Rose.

I bought Porclain Pink and Petticoat online for a reasonable price
Naked You I ordered from the MAC store in Marshall Field (Illonois)
Shrimpagne and So Ceylon I'm still waiting for through MACs gone but not forgotten program.....I've been waiting a month for'em


Active member
Originally Posted by sasse142
I bought Porclain Pink and Petticoat online for a reasonable price
Naked You I ordered from the MAC store in Marshall Field (Illonois)
Shrimpagne and So Ceylon I'm still waiting for through MACs gone but not forgotten program.....I've been waiting a month for'em

What do you consider a "reasonable price"? I've seen them go as high as $40+! Craziness. I bought Petticoat online last night for $28 shipped so I'm content. *lol* Now all I need to get is the proper brush to apply it. The Mac #187 seems to be the most popular.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pr1nces583
thats good, im thinking of getting naked you or shimpagne too. maybe for my birthday in a couple of weeks. although for my birthday treat im going to london for a big haul!

shimpagne is great. i really like it. i have that one and porclain pink. but now i'm confused are MSF still being sold at mac stores or was this just an online ebay type of thing?


Well-known member
you guys are bomb, thanks for the tip-off on the font. I heart it.

I found three unused MSFs hiding in my magic duffel bag - Petticoat, Naked You, and Shimpagne...lol. I thought I only had porcelain pink, cuz that's the one that I use mostoften.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipglossrockstar
shimpagne is great. i really like it. i have that one and porclain pink. but now i'm confused are MSF still being sold at mac stores or was this just an online ebay type of thing?

MSF are limited edition items and are sold out quickly at the stores/counters and at the MAC website too. MSF's are hot items so that's why they run out fast.


Well-known member
ooh they are so pretty! Petticoat was my first, and probably will remain my one true MSF love.

I do want Stereo Rose too, though. Can't wait for the new fall/autumn ones either!