2008 Presidential election - poll


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We had a little discussion on this subject...

But I suspect many people did not want to express their opinions or preference for reasons that will be obvious to anyone who read the thread.

So who would/will you vote for? Note, You don't have to post to vote and no-one will see who you voted for!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I don't think it is any secret, but BARACK OBAMA has my vote!!!!



18 Hearts for Good Luck and Hope



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Fantastic way to further encourage members to participate in heated discussions as adults.
Condescension of those with opinions is awesome...whatev.


Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I Certainly don't make more or near 250,000 a year, But in my opinion, people who do make that amount have done something smart and have worked hard to reach that amount of income... I don't understand why a presidential Candidate would want to raise taxes on people who have worked hard, just to give more money to people on welfare who can't or won't work that hard in the first place. Just because they can afford more than the average person, means they should bail out those who cannot bail themselves out? And why is it that ALL the celebrities who indorse Obama are the ones who obviously make more than 250k? Do they know they will be paying massive amounts of taxes... Way more than they do now! HMMMM... I don't think a lot of people know what they're in for...


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Miaroze
I Certainly don't make more or near 250,000 a year, But in my opinion, people who do make that amount have done something smart and have worked hard to reach that amount of income... I don't understand why a presidential Candidate would want to raise taxes on people who have worked hard, just to give more money to people on welfare who can't or won't work that hard in the first place. Just because they can afford more than the average person, means they should bail out those who cannot bail themselves out? And why is it that ALL the celebrities who indorse Obama are the ones who obviously make more than 250k? Do they know they will be paying massive amounts of taxes... Way more than they do now! HMMMM... I don't think a lot of people know what they're in for...

I know how you feel. Not many people can fall into the 250k category. With that sort of income your looking towards small business owners, maybe some surgeons, hollywood, CEO's, some other high paid job. They will take a huge hit, christ its sickening how much will be taken away from them, they worked their ass off they deserve their money. And then you have the millions of perfectly healthy people capable of working, and on welfare. If you need help (like welfare) and have an legitimate excuse, there is no shame at all, but for the rest who cheat the system.. eh.....

But our govenment needs money, if they dont take it away from the rich then who will they get it from? From the middle class and below. If an average married couple make 60,000 a year when 1/3 tax is removed it becomes only 40,000 thats hardly enough to survive if you have kids/mortgage/car paymens/food/schooling/clothes/nececcities. If a married couple who owns a small busniess makes 300,000 a year and 1/4 tax is removed they will still be making 225,000 to live a comfortable luxurious life. So take a little less away from the middle class and a little more from the high class, and it works out.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

The fact of the matter is, almost every other industrialized nation in our economic tier has the same sort of progressive tax system. It has proven to be the best way for a government to tax it's people. Governments need money to fund our roads, our wars, and our basic social programs. If you really resent paying taxes, may I recommend a move to a place where you won't need to pay them; space, for instance.

The wealthy should pay more, because they earn more. It's not at all punishment; after all, what country gave them the chance to make all that money? It doesn't matter how hard they worked for it, a person works hard for 40k a year, too. How hard you work doesn't factor in to your taxes, if it did, physical laborers wouldn't have to pay a red cent.

Once I start seeing throngs of small business owners and surgeons starving in the streets because of the progressive tax system, I'll start to pity the 250k+ bracket. Until then, I'm sorry they'll have to put off buying a new speedboat on one of their thirteen credit cards.

As an aside, trust that our tax money is not primarily going to "welfare", nor was it ever. Take a look at military spending, during peacetime or war. We have the most bloated figures of any nation (aside from Russia during the Cold War) in regards to our military, we could easily cut the defense budget and still be top dog. If you support this war, I most certainly do not want to hear you complain about a tax hike--because one surefire way to alleviate some of our economic problems as of right now is to end the conflict in Iraq. You want to keep it going, fund it with a smile on your face.

edit: If it isn't made implicit by my post, my vote is for Barack Obama. To think, I'm one of those good people grown in a small, Pro-America town! How did I ever get mixed up with these elitist, terrorist, Muslim snobs?


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

There is a fundamental error in this poll. There are more than two presidential candidates. Not voting for McCain or Obama doesn't equal undecided or not voting.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I'm Australian so cannot vote but from an international point of view I'd rather see Obama be president.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by AlarmAgent
The fact of the matter is, almost every other industrialized nation in our economic tier has the same sort of progressive tax system. It has proven to be the best way for a government to tax it's people. Governments need money to fund our roads, our wars, and our basic social programs. If you really resent paying taxes, may I recommend a move to a place where you won't need to pay them; space, for instance.

The wealthy should pay more, because they earn more. It's not at all punishment; after all, what country gave them the chance to make all that money? It doesn't matter how hard they worked for it, a person works hard for 40k a year, too. How hard you work doesn't factor in to your taxes, if it did, physical laborers wouldn't have to pay a red cent.

Once I start seeing throngs of small business owners and surgeons starving in the streets because of the progressive tax system, I'll start to pity the 250k+ bracket. Until then, I'm sorry they'll have to put off buying a new speedboat on one of their thirteen credit cards.

As an aside, trust that our tax money is not primarily going to "welfare", nor was it ever. Take a look at military spending, during peacetime or war. We have the most bloated figures of any nation (aside from Russia during the Cold War) in regards to our military, we could easily cut the defense budget and still be top dog. If you support this war, I most certainly do not want to hear you complain about a tax hike--because one surefire way to alleviate some of our economic problems as of right now is to end the conflict in Iraq. You want to keep it going, fund it with a smile on your face.

edit: If it isn't made implicit by my post, my vote is for Barack Obama. To think, I'm one of those good people grown in a small, Pro-America town! How did I ever get mixed up with these elitist, terrorist, Muslim snobs?

O_O!! Amen

How long has the war in iraq been going on? Umm apprximately since my freshman year in highschool i think so maybe 7 years?? They spend roughly 1 billion dollars a day on war, times that by 7 years thats like what 2 trillion on top of our 10 trillion debt to china. Little things like welfare and education fundings is nothing compared to 12 trillion. But it just disturbs me how people can pop out 10 kids, eat better food than i can (for instance my aunty *cough*), and im working my ass off over here, how about giving other people who actually need it a chance.

What i mainly ment to say was that people who make that bare minimum margin of 250k probably work 80 hours a week and half of that is overtime. Its like saying work harder and make less. If a person is making 12 bucks an hour and works full time that would be around 24k a year, but if they worked overtime they could make 50k a year, and the government is saying ill remove an extra 10k from your pay check at the of the year on top of the taxes you already have to pay, thanks for busting ass ^_^. People will say maybe i shouldnt work overtime -_- if i'll end up making practically the same amount of money. Not to cool. But it just works out best that way.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Again, IMHO....

Isn't this basically the SAME thread that was closed, just reworded?
As adults, Do we not all honestly feel there has been enough controversy on this board regarding this particular topic...It is obvious that there is no happy medium when it comes to this issue..so why rehash it? If you wanted to do a poll...Maybe you should have just made it a POLL ONLY...Not up for posting on the same topic that was covered in the 100 page thread that had to be closed mainly due to the back and forths of this topic.. that has begun again.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

I respect eveyone's opinions and views. I just encourage everyone to vote regardless of who u vote for!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by couturesista
I respect eveyone's opinions and views. I just encourage everyone to vote regardless of who u vote for!



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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
O_O!! Amen

How long has the war in iraq been going on? Umm apprximately since my freshman year in highschool i think so maybe 7 years??

Since March of 03. Five and a half years.


Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Again, IMHO....

Isn't this basically the SAME thread that was closed, just reworded?
As adults, Do we not all honestly feel there has been enough controversy on this board regarding this particular topic...It is obvious that there is no happy medium when it comes to this issue..so why rehash it? If you wanted to do a poll...Maybe you should have just made it a POLL ONLY...Not up for posting on the same topic that was covered in the 100 page thread that had to be closed mainly due to the back and forths of this topic.. that has begun again.

Tell It HOw It IS!!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by Miaroze
I Certainly don't make more or near 250,000 a year, But in my opinion, people who do make that amount have done something smart and have worked hard to reach that amount of income... I don't understand why a presidential Candidate would want to raise taxes on people who have worked hard, just to give more money to people on welfare who can't or won't work that hard in the first place. Just because they can afford more than the average person, means they should bail out those who cannot bail themselves out? And why is it that ALL the celebrities who indorse Obama are the ones who obviously make more than 250k? Do they know they will be paying massive amounts of taxes... Way more than they do now! HMMMM... I don't think a lot of people know what they're in for...

Who told you that all tax money goes to welfare?

You're forgetting about the national deficit and the two wars we're fighting - not to mention social security and medicare AND our crumbling infrastructure!

Seriously, your taxes going up has nothing to do with welfare you think people on welfare will get bigger checks or something?? The democratic position is to roll back the Bush tax cuts. We're looking at Bill Clinton tax levels.. and Bill Clinton kicked a lot of people off welfare!

And another truism is that just like our economy, our political leanings are cyclic.. you're old enough to remember democratic presidents in your lifetime.. the world will not come to an end and the rich won't become poor just because their taxes go up 5%
Just like major corporations, people who make that amount and more know how to hide their money from uncle sam



Well-known member
Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Good Luck Americans..
I hope that all of you can modivate others to vote and have the highest voting turnout in history!!!
This Canadian federal election only 60% of canadians voted... so sad... and no change was made..
So hopefully in the states it will be time for change. I know the world will be watching the American Election.

ah hem.... go OBAMA GOOOO!!!


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
How long has the war in iraq been going on?
Umm apprximately since my freshman year in highschool i think so maybe 7 years?? .

That's Afghanistan.


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
That's Afghanistan.

actually we went into Afghanistan after Sept. 11 which was in 01....we went into Iraq in March of '03


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Re: 2008 Presisdential election - poll

Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
actually we went into Afghanistan after Sept. 11 which was in 01....we went into Iraq in March of '03

Which would make the 7 years she's speaking about the war in Afghanistan.