25% Off On MAC Holiday Items


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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Are the brushes really that bad? I don't think anything can be worse than the raggedy, full size 217 I already have. The only SE brush I really, faithfully use is my 239 from Patternmaker.

Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ They were not worth $50.00 now they are not bad with the new discounts

I don't think they're that bad. My 187 SE is really soft actually, and I didn't pay full price either, I got them when Nordstrom had them discounted.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkwater_soul
oh, well! Hello back new MAC friend!
Let's drink to the holidays almost being over!

bottoms up!

Originally Posted by bebexo
hey so i was just wondering if the discount is only at pro stores because on maccosmetics.com it has 25% off also so does that mean we can go to any mac store and it will be 25% off or is it only for pro store?

the 25% off is at all locations in the US.

Originally Posted by darkwater_soul
How did this turn into a discussion about returning things that didn't work? I'll be the FIRST to TELL you to bring me a product that doesn't work for you... PLEASE bring it back and don't let it sit in your dresser or bathroom, making you wish you had bought something you'd rather have. THATS CUSTOMER SERVICE. You should never feel bad for MAC! Return it if it doesn't work for you... but returning it and rebuying a new pallette or brush set just to save a few dollars is WASTEFUL. That's tossing makeup that's perfectly fine, but you are just huffy about missing a sale. IT HAPPENS. I bought a Ed Hardy purse 25% off at Dillard's about 2 months ago, then walked by 3 weeks later to see a big 40% off designer purses. I was a little upset, but not with Dillard's, and I certainy didn't go in and get my measly $10.87 back. Wasn't worth stressing out the employee (who probably had a bunch of that already) or myself out. It was worth what I paid, or I wouldn't have bought it. If any of the holiday stuff wasn't worth what you paid, then why buy it and waste your money in the first place? MAC has never had a sale, so it's not like anyone would have ever seen this coming. If the place you bought it from offers you a price match guarantee, I guess by all means go get it, but know that MAC did not have this sale to make you mad, or "expected" anyone to have returned thier items. They had this sale in recognition that MANY folks who do love thier products, but at this time can't afford them, and they want as MANY customers as possible to not have to change thier spending habits at the holidays, and for everyone to get the products they wanted and love, even if they have to offer a discount. But I can almost promise you, that if MAC and the retailers that carry MAC see a ton of returns and exchanges based on price adjustments... they probably won't ever do another sale, they'll just not make as much product, which will make getting LE goods even that harder to get. Vicious cycle...

I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad about thier decisions... ultimately it's yours. There is just so many situations that stuff like this comes up, and it just doesn't seem right to me to ask for a price adjustment on makeup, especially when it's not a necessity, and nobody was forced to fork up cash for anything. It'd be different for food or something (like if they overcharged you on a bill of some sort... I've called and complained when I was overcharged on my phone bill by just a few dollars) that was necessary and vital... I don't know. JUst my 2 cents... take it at what it is worth to the reader.

Bright side.... IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!!

i totally agree! i don't know how this turned into this kind of discussion. if a product doesn't work for you, by all means return it. but if you're just gonna return a product and buy it back because you don't fit the price adjustment guidelines (which i am all for a price adjustment, if you qualify), then just know that the item you're returning at full price get tossed. when you do a return, you have to send that item back to mac as proof of the return. that's just an unnecessary waste. and it doesn't hurt to ask for a price adjustment. since mac has never had sales, that's one thing i was curious about-if and how we were gonna do them. at macy's, their adjust policy is 7 days, so we are following that.

Originally Posted by sedated_xtc
One of my friends got the Holiday brush set and returned it cause she felt that the quality of them weren't the same as the regular ones and upon returning it, she told me that the MA told her that the singles you buy are handmade in France whereas the ones in the holiday sets are mass produced elsewhere.

So I gues syou get what you pay for, right?

they aren't just made in france, but yes, all full-size brushes are handmade and of better quality, which accounts for the higher cost. all SE brushes are mass-produced and are of inferior quality to the full-size ones. but they are still a great deal if you're new to brushes or want travel brushes.

there are already a few threads that discuss this.


Well-known member
UK peeps, we've got the discount on maccosmetics.co.uk. I'm not sure I want anything though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sedated_xtc
One of my friends got the Holiday brush set and returned it cause she felt that the quality of them weren't the same as the regular ones and upon returning it, she told me that the MA told her that the singles you buy are handmade in France whereas the ones in the holiday sets are mass produced elsewhere.

So I gues syou get what you pay for, right?

Totally. There are numerous threads, posts and even a Sticky about the quality of these brushes. I have full size brushes, but SEs make it easier for me for a quick trip or if I have to run out the door with the minimal. Hopefully, no one is still buying these sets, trying to hold off on buying regular size brushes.


Originally Posted by Korms
UK peeps, we've got the discount on maccosmetics.co.uk. I'm not sure I want anything though!

Hmm, me too.. the brush sets are still a bit pricey


Originally Posted by SakurasamaLover
Girls!!! I just came back from my MAC Pro on ST-Laurent and they are having -25% on all Red She Said stuff!!! Incredible I never saw that at MAC. They say they never saw it in 25 years neither.
So run to your MAC Pro store now!!!!!!!!!!

OMG just to say that I bought some unexpected Christmas gifts!!!

PS: The MAs said there is a new MAC PRO opening on St-Denis (Montreal) soon, bigger!!!!

we dont have mac store


Well-known member
Is still on sale??!?! I'm planning on going to my freestanding store tomorrow. Oh I hope it is cause I want stark naked blush


Well-known member
^ The sale on holiday items is still going on, but "Red she said" is not included, so you will not be able to get 25% off Stark naked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
^ The sale on holiday items is still going on, but "Red she said" is not included, so you will not be able to get 25% off Stark naked.

Aww that sucks...they would do that lolz!

I don't know if I want anything else. I wanted the Viva glam lip palette, but I know that isn't discounted. Oh well~


Well-known member
I was thinking about getting the Charming Vermillion Brush Set since it's $30.00 but at the same time, I just want to skip the entire Holiday collection and go ahead and wait until it's at the CCO so it can be at a much cheaper price.