Well-known member
I have always struggled with motivating to lose weight. I've never been overweight but I've never been happy with the way I look or the number on the scale. The most happy I was with the way I looked in a bathing suit was when I was on drugs and didn't eat much. Then I started drinking... holy calories. I still wasn't eating as much, and still occassionally using, so I didn't gain too much weight, but it was coming on slowly. Now I've been clean and sober from everything for almost 4 months, am eating regularly - and not as healthy as I should be - and I feel like the weight is just packing on.
My size 6 clothes are getting tight on me and the pair of shorts that were loose on me last year fit perfectly now. I feel so uncomfortable in most of my normal clothes and I could probably pass as a pregnant lady.
I'm 5'8" and carry my weight well, so when I tell people I want to lose 30 lbs they look at me like I'm crazy. I don't look like I weight 163 lbs but when I last on the scale it freaked me out. I haven't weighed this much in years and if I keep gaining, I'll weigh more than I ever have. I'm only 20 and if I can't have a hot bod while I'm young I'm afraid it will never happen.
I can't really afford to buy super healthy foods, but I know we have plenty of normal food in the house. I'm hoping if I stop gravitating toward the chips, soda, and restaurant food that will help the diet end of things.
I also really hate sweating lol. I signed up for a race months ago, and I haven't run a 5k in years. The race is in 2 weeks or so, July 14, but I can't bring myself to actually just get out there and do it. I really need some hardcore motivation!
I love talking about it but can't seem to DO it. I think I'm just complaining now lol but I'm hoping by posting this I will gain some accountability and support.
My size 6 clothes are getting tight on me and the pair of shorts that were loose on me last year fit perfectly now. I feel so uncomfortable in most of my normal clothes and I could probably pass as a pregnant lady.
I'm 5'8" and carry my weight well, so when I tell people I want to lose 30 lbs they look at me like I'm crazy. I don't look like I weight 163 lbs but when I last on the scale it freaked me out. I haven't weighed this much in years and if I keep gaining, I'll weigh more than I ever have. I'm only 20 and if I can't have a hot bod while I'm young I'm afraid it will never happen.
I can't really afford to buy super healthy foods, but I know we have plenty of normal food in the house. I'm hoping if I stop gravitating toward the chips, soda, and restaurant food that will help the diet end of things.
I also really hate sweating lol. I signed up for a race months ago, and I haven't run a 5k in years. The race is in 2 weeks or so, July 14, but I can't bring myself to actually just get out there and do it. I really need some hardcore motivation!
I love talking about it but can't seem to DO it. I think I'm just complaining now lol but I'm hoping by posting this I will gain some accountability and support.