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*** 3D Smokey Eyes the "MissChievous" way***


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nireyna
this look looks much more softer and better then on video tutorial...this one i like

Really? Hehe...oh well.

Anyhow yeah, I've done a video version of this on my youtube channel, if anyone wants to check it out.
Just click the link in my sig.


Well-known member
Thank you! This is beautifu!! I learn a lot from your tuts and I'm def going to try this look out. I hope you know how talented you are!


Well-known member
this look is perfect in every way

i LOVE the look

and that blush is such a nice color on you; makes me want it haha

and omg your eyes are sooo beautiful! i love how one of your eyes has freckles in it; it's sooo mesmerizing


Well-known member
OMG, your makeup looks gorgeous! I loved especially your lips, lipstick is really pretty.

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