3g Grain?


Well-known member
I'm a personal assistant and my boss is the midst of a move. As I was packing, I cut my finger and went into the bathroom to look for a Band-Aid. Sadly, however, I did not find one. But I did find a large size Grain shadow and I was wondering if anyone knows when and how this was released. She owns a lot of 'older' mac, and when I looked up grain, the only color story I found was from 1998. Is this correct?


Well-known member
Grain is part of their regular line - e/s used to be available in larger pans (ones for the 8-pan palettes. The large sized e/s pans were discontinued a while ago, I wanna say at least three years ago...


Well-known member
The large pan Grain shadow was part of my first ever MAC haul! Way back in I want to say '97? Can this be right? Why did MAC stop selling them?


Well-known member
I've got 2 of the large Grain shadow's that I bought ages ago. As they're so big they last forever!!! Grain now comes in the standard size shadow. I use this colour alot! It's probably an alternative for people who use Shroom


Well-known member
I have a large Grain as well as a few large shadows in discontinued colours with a screw top. I've been using M·A·C for about ten years though so some of my shadows go back a very long way.