

Well-known member
That is dumb and unfair. Unfortunelty in this economy they can kind of get away with it, after all you do need your job like everyone else. From the sound of it you are not the only one getting screwed (the SM being demoted as you alluded to). They may also be re-organizing the way that they do things and thus all of the confusion. Talk to your store manager about your concerns and ask why this is happening if you think you won't get fired for it. In the meantime, just do the best job that you can and build yourself up to be the next ASM when that position opens up. The only thing here that is in your power is to do the best possible job that you can so that you have a good case to be promoted.


Well-known member
you're probably right in feeling that way...but it's not uncommon in retail. I was a sales manager for 3 years at, took an ASM position, was there for 2 years, and then left the company to work my way into a cosmetics department manager position...I desperately wanted to work with makeup and since I wasn't getting placed where I wanted, I went somewhere that could deliver..... which meant I had to work my way up all over again. I had to start as a part timer, then took a counter manager position, etc....granted the process went very quickly, I got to where I am now in about two years (where with the previous company it took me 3 years to make SM, then 3 to make ASM) when it comes down to it, no one is your friend and their job is to look out for the company....eventhough you had been in management, it wasn't THEIR management and they will always be looking for the person with the most experience with their merchandise, systems, etc, also....they are looking out for their bottom line, so if they can get the work done and not pay for it, will they do it? Absolutely. Every raise, promotion, and new salary eats out of their profit......
You've just got to decide if you will put up with it to get where you want?
I know it's hard when you feel looked over and under appreciated, but try not to go negative-nancy, try to do your best and smile, toughing it out and paying your dues will probably get you the job you want in the end.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you have to go through that but thats life, it happens all the time. A family friend got passed over for a higher position and instead a younger less experience person was hired for it. it happens everyday in the corporate world people just get screwed over


Well-known member
it really does happen all the time. in my case i was the bitch who got the job!! my assistant manager applied for the manager job and even though he had worked in the shop since it opened. he didn't get it because they hired me. to put the final nail in the coffin my assistant manager and me used to work together 3 years before - he had a high position than me. doh! i understand why they took me rather than him but it didn't amke it any less shit for him.


Well-known member
I'm sorry, that does seem unfair. My boyfriend also work in retail and for a year and a half he was bounced around, promised promotions, had to work long hours and just generally treated unfairly or else be fired/quit. Now that he's a manager, he has to make some of those unfair decisions for his employees too (like hire outside the company rather than promote someone inside). From everyone's stories here, it seems like its something that is just common in retail. I hope everything works out for you.