A "happy accident"


I wanted to do a bit of a smoky eye for work today (I work somewhere where almost anything goes.. so it wasn't inappropriate). I was wearing a grey sweater, so I decided to use Anti-establishment for the 1st time. Well, I wasn't all that thrilled with how it looked (grey e/s is really hit & miss with me). Anyway I didn't have time to start over, so I added some Moth Brown over-top. WOW... it looked awesome. I didn't have time to take a pic... but it's definitely worth trying out. I loved it!

Just thought I'd share.


Well-known member
yay for you!! don't you feel so great when something like that works for you. like the other day, i came up with the most random combination in colours- like it was totally something i would never have put together- but it worked quite nicely! i was so proud


Well-known member
Im wearing Anti Establishment today too! Im liking it pretty well alone, but Ive always wanted Moth Brown and now I shall try to hunt it down again


Well-known member
Moth Brown saved my Plum e/s, which looked awful by itself. It's a true lifesaver, like a makeup 'lifeguard', comes to fix your eye makeup disasters!


Well-known member
i saw Moth Brown in some FOTD's...and i really like it, even though i'm really iffy on browns. for some reason i don't think they'll look right on me, so i've always been afraid to try them. but Moth Brown has always caught my eye.

but i assume it was LE...?