a lil help ladies?


Why are you with this guy? And don't tell me it's because you love him because how can you truly love someone you don't completely trust. The fact that you left his house crying and he still went out with his friends is a red flag. If he really loved you, he wouldn't have let you leave that way. The fact that he was still hung over at 7pm from the night before is even a bigger red flag. He was probably so drunk that he doesn't remember what the hell happened. You've now wasted 2 years with an asshole when you could have been with someone who actually respects you. Move on. There are better guys out there. The fact that he cheated on you after only 8 months says a lot. Don't waste you time with this guy anymore.

Hope I wasn't too harsh.


Well-known member
Trust your intuition-- maybe he didn't technically cheat, but there's something "off" here. Though really, it might just be your unresolved feelings from before.

You might want to move on to another relationship that doesn't have such a rocky foundation... because if you try to make this work, both of you will be raking yourselves over the coals for a whiiiile.