A lipstick similar to what she's wearing in this video?


New member

I'm looking for a chalky bright neon barbie pink (but not a hot pink or a fuschia) lipstick, as similar to the lipstick she's wearing in the video as possible.
The actual lipstick she's wearing (Barry M Vibrant Pink) looks different in real life and I can't get a hold of it because I live in the US and Barry M is only sold in the UK.
I've been looking everywhere but I can't seem to find one that fits!

Any help would be MUCH appreciated!


Well-known member
You can order from Barry M and have it shipped to the states, it just costs. Bleh.

#62 is also on ebay if you want to try that route. Here is the cheapest auction I found. Still coming from the UK, though.


Hope you find what you are looking for regardless!