A Little Help Please Ladies? Foundation Shade Recs needed

Hello, I'm still new to Specktra so I hope this thread is in the right category.
I've been dying to try HyperReal or Studio Fix, but we have no MAC counter where I live and I don't see myself getting to one anytime soon (I order all my MAC online). I've been trying to figure out what my shade is. I'm Medium/Dark in Studio Mist and my last MAC Foundation was Studio Fix powder which was a few years back, and I remember the number having an "N" and a "3" in it, but not much else. The info in my signature is just a guess.

My every day foundation is Estee Lauder's Double Wear in 5W1 Bronze 42. I'm not sure what the 42 means. It goes on a little darker than what I really am but blends to a perfect match. I've been trying to figure out the NC/NW system but I'm just hopeless, even though I *think* I'm an NW. I tried the vein test, and my veins show up mostly green.
If I had to compare my complexion to a celeb it would be the Vanessa Williams, Alicia Keys, Raven Symone, Beyonce range.

Can anyone help me figure out my MAC shade?
There's a pic of me below!

Thank you!
