A little of everything


Well-known member
So I was looking through my 'Headshots' photo album and decided, "Hey why not post FOTD pics since I haven't done it in a while." So here are a couple of pics different lip colors, wearing MSF, blush, foundation and I guess that's it. Yeah I was bored. LOL

Bear with since I can't remember most of the stuff I put on but I remember things here and there.


Wearing Violetta Pro l/s


Wearing Pink Nouveau l/s with Magnitique l/g on top


Wearing So Ceylon MSF with a MAC blush and my lovely Brave New Bronze l/s


Wearing Revlon Colorstay foundation in Rich Tan
MAC Sweetness beauty powder
Smashbox Nude l/s
NARS Chelsea Girls l/l

Ok I'll add more looks this week. Love ya beauties. CC welcome.


Well-known member
I'm SO glad you posed this, I don't think I've seen a FOTD with someone wearing Violetta and I've been wondering about this color for awhile.. it is sooo pretty! It looks fab on you!