A question for people who wear glasses!


Well-known member
I've always wondered this, for people who have poor sight or blury vision and need glasses to see things properly, how do you apply make up?

do you take off your glasses and apply makeup with impared vision?

Do you use those "makeup glasses" where the lense flips down on one side so you can apply eye make?


Do you just do simple make up that doesn't require much detail?


Do you for-go eye makeup all together?


Active member
omg ive never heard of those lol where can u buy them haha i wear glasses i have horrible vision but i jus stand close to the mirror wen i apply makeup


Well-known member
I just don't wear anything on my eyes but liner and mascara, or one sheer wash of color because I absolutely cannot see w/o glasses or contacts, even with a magnified mirror
I'm not putting in no damned contacts in just to take them out and put my glasses back on


Well-known member
I wear glasses but my vision isn't drastically horrible without them. I rely on good lighting and a magnified mirror to get my makeup on. Especially when tightlining or doing my liner. When I'm done I put my glasses back on... sometimes.


Well-known member
Yup, I stand up close to mirror and get irritated when I bump whatever I'm holding against the glass haha

I don't go for fierce/bold looks because the glasses are going to cancel them out anyways. Plus my eyes are small to begin with so I just do a wash of color, outer lid, liner and mascara =D


Well-known member
I apply my make up w/o my glasses. Luckily, I'm nearsighted so nothing is blurry when I apply my make up in my bathroom mirror. I just need good light.


Most people who wear glasses are nearsighted, so taking off glasses and getting close to the mirror or using a magnifying mirror probably works for most.
I am very nearsighted and have the beginnings of macular degeneration. I have a two sided mirror, regular on one side and magnified x7 on the other side, it flips around. I need a lighted one, though.
What irritates me is that when I have my glasses off I can't see to pick out brushes or find the tweezers, etc. so it's a constant glasses-on-glasses-off as I go back and forth. Gah!!
I DO wear fairly heavy eye makeup and liner because I feel that my eyes disappear behind my lenses.
Do you have any solutions or suggestions?


Oh gosh, I am REALLY nearsighted so I practically have to press my nose against the mirror if I want to apply makeup without my contacts. There have been times when I tried that, and my mascara would end up on my mirror XD


Well-known member
Another nearsighted gal here

I usually apply without my glasses and usually get up close to the mirror.


Well-known member
i'm shortsighted so i just take my glasses off to apply makeup and put them on when i'm done.


Well-known member
I take them off for the parts that I really have to (e.g. eye makeup), but I will use a magnifying mirror to make sure I get it all on right..! I tend not to do any complicated eye makeup either on days when I'm wearing my glasses.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
My vision is not very bad so I can put on makeup without my glasses. I have a good eye and a bad eye. I stand and put my face very close to the mirror, or I sit and hold a small mirror or compact. I go for all types of eye makeup, only I have never applied false lashes because the lashes will be sweeping at my glasses!


New member
When I do apply make-up on my eyes, I take off my glasses and put my contact lenses off. There is no point in wearing eye make-up with your specs on...