A strange slimshine question


Ok this is strange, but I just don't know where else to go to ask this.

I just traded in my back2mac for a slimshine in Mousse. I swore it was a cream colour when I used the sample (I know it was), I just checked online and saw the colour was a cream, but the stick I got is a frost. It seem to not be quite the colour that I saw in the store (I was trying to match it up to an old Rimmel sheer lipstick I had that was discountued, and now it look not nearly as close as it did in the store, plus it is all shimmery now).

What happened? Is it a mislabel Cocoamour? Did they reformulate Mousse? Can I switch it, since it was back2mac I don't know if I can, but if it is the wrong colour wont they let me? I am so confused....Can someone help?


Well-known member
b2m items are non-returnable & non-exchangable. you could call annd ask, i suppose, but as far as i know, you're stuck with it


Well-known member
Yes, you are probably stuck with it. You got it for free technically, so they can't exchange it. You can certainly try though, it wouldn't hurt! Otherwise try to make this one work for you! It doesn't sound like a bad color. If not, you could always swap it or sell it!


Well-known member
i would explain the situation to the store manager or supervisor. they can be more flexible. i would buy at least an item so they could see im a avid makeup junkie


Well-known member
Not sure I know at the counters I frequent...B2M items are not returnable or exchangeable ...But it never hurts to try


Well-known member
i don't think you'll be able to swap it. a girl got a lipstick at a mac store and she left the shop. literally a minute later she came back in saying that she wanted to swap it for the other colour she tried on. they said no because it was a freebie. and she'd only left the store for a minute!


Well-known member
dang she was only gone for a minute?!? i guess you really have to know what you want when you b2m. i have a wishlist of e/s (among many other mac items) saved in my blackberry so i know what i want when i go. i just pick which ever ones i want most that day. the day i did b2m for 4 e/s from love that look was like heavens gates opening for me.


Thanks guys,

Yeah it isn't the colour it says it is, I think that would make it technically defective....so hopefully they will give me a new one.

I really think it is a mislabelled Cocoamour, why else would there be so much shimmer? I should have looked before leaving.

I think I will call before I go. I would think all they would need to do is look at it to see it is not the right colour....I hope

I like the colour ok, it isn't what I wanted though, which is why I am upset.

Has anyone else ever gotten a product that is mislabelled?


Well-known member
I recently got a Plastique lipstick through B2M, took it home and the entire lipstick fell out of the tube. I took it back to the counter the next day and one of my fave MUA was able to exchange it for me. We opened three additional tubes before we found one that was not defective.

Mistakes can happen when things are manufactured. I'd at least take the slimshine back to the store, let the MUA there know your concern and swatch the two side by side. If it is indeed mislabeled, there should not be any issues with exchanging it. If so, I'd ask to see the manager. Free or not...you shouldn't have to settle for a defective/mislabeled product.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fallenang3l211
dang she was only gone for a minute?!? i guess you really have to know what you want when you b2m. i have a wishlist of e/s (among many other mac items) saved in my blackberry so i know what i want when i go. i just pick which ever ones i want most that day. the day i did b2m for 4 e/s from love that look was like heavens gates opening for me.

yeah literally a minute! felt a little bad for her!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fallenang3l211
... i have a wishlist of e/s (among many other mac items) saved in my blackberry so i know what i want when i go. i just pick which ever ones i want most that day. ....

I keep my makeup lists in my Blackberry too! lol What efficient little makeup geeks we are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I keep my makeup lists in my Blackberry too! lol What efficient little makeup geeks we are.


I feel beyond silly for having a list of what I have and what I want in my Blackberry, but its the only way I can keep track of my collection as it grows! I ended up buying a dupe of an e/s once, wasn't that big of a deal..I just had to go through the trouble of exchanging it! I bust out my BB and start swatching once I get to the store! I do feel a little weird when I take pictures of swatches and BBM them to my girlfriends though


Ok So I went in, we confirmed it was not Mousse and in fact mislabelled. The girl was so confused by it all. So she then asked me for my receipt...which is when I told her it was b2m but I still have the receipt. She just gave me a blank glare as though she had zero clue on what to do, if she could do anything. Luckily I went on macs site and asked them on a chat if I could exchange it, so I showed her that and she went "oh, give that to me" and ran off and came back with my proper slimshine.

So I got what I wanted and am happy now. I wouldn't have been worried if it wasn't b2m.


Well-known member
if its defective or mislabeled, then yes, you can exchange it. if you change your mind on the colour, or decide you don't like it, sorry, but you're stuck with it. even if you don't leave the store, all returns are to be damaged out, so if they exchanged a free item, not only would they have the $ loss on the original product (which mac is obviously ok with seeing as how they have the program to begin with), but then they'd be out the $ on the one you'd exchange it for.

its a free product, and you have every opportunity to try it before you get it, so there should be no reason why you can't pick out one you're happy with (unless defected or course).

i'm glad they exchanged it for you without any problems.